Families that Read Together, Stay Together

Under the Cover Blog Reviewer tagged me in the CUTEST ever photo of her daughter and her on a camping trip… reading in a tent. She gave me permission to share this on my blog.

Now first, I want to say that jaguar shifters and werewolves are into camping, big time. They love the jungles/forests. So it just seems appropriate that she would be reading JAGUAR FEVER on the camping trip.


When I was growing up, my parents weren’t much to read. My mother loved books, but she never read them when I was home. My dad didn’t either. But I devoured books. We’d go to garage sales and I’d pick out all the books my mother could afford. I went to the school library all the time and read.

When I went camping with my best girlfriend, Diane Stokes, her parents were big readers. Her older sister was a librarian. We all read at a lake visit one time, Diane and my sister and I also spent a lot of time in the snapping turtle-infested Central Florida lake. And we loved it! That was part of the adventure. Staying on the rafts and hoping that there weren’t any water moccasins or alligators also in the lake. And that the turtles didn’t bite us. Since my mother tangled with a snapping turtle in another lake, we knew they could actually remove a toe with their beak-like mouths–according to a ranger who treated my mother’s bite. So we splashed a lot to keep them away, hoping they didn’t think we were flopping fish and ready to eat!

Both my son and daughter love to read as much as I do. And so do both of their spouses.

So when I go on vacation? I take a book or three with me. I have friends who sit on the beach reading. Not me. I’m walking or swimming. But at night… it’s time to cozy up with a book and drift off to another world.

What about you? Did you read as a family? Or are you the odd one out?

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy IS reality.”


34 thoughts on “Families that Read Together, Stay Together

  1. I’m a big reader and probably get through a book a day. I’m the only one in my family that does any reading. hubby is dyslexic, so reading is a struggle, one son struggles with reading and the other prefers his computer.

    • J Perham, I can understand your husband’s situation. My dad was a slow reader, but while he was a POW of the Germans for 16 months at the age of 16, the American Red Cross sent works of literature. And he read everything. When he returned home, he earned his GED after testing out on all the books he’d read during his captivity!

  2. My daughters (all 4 of them…18, 13, 11, and 3 years old) and I all share a passion for reading. To the point that my husband who was never a reader until he met me has become one as well (He doesn’t devour books like my daughters and I do but he still attempts it and he has discovered that “there is interesting things to read”.).

    We took our guest room in our house and turned it into the library where we have a collection of over 3000 paper editions (not gonna say the count on digital…) for us to read as well as any friends that may want to borrow a book. (http://pinterest.com/beckeywhite/my-personal-library-room/)…

    Great picture…Jaguar Fever is a great book to pick up and read (I had gotten my copy from NetGalley but haven’t posted my review yet since …) 🙂

    Take care Beckey

    • Beckey, that’s wonderful on your daughters, and how it influenced your husband. I loved to read and my mother would tell me I’d have to go outside to play. So we explored the snake and alligator-infested jungle like swamps across the street from our home in Florida. If she’d known, she probably would have rather I read. 🙂 Thanks, on Jaguar Fever and look forward to your review! 🙂

  3. I ALWAYS either have a library paperback book or my kindle fire with me!! I found Ms. Terry thru my library first. I’ve been reading for as far back as I can remember. We are a 3 generation readers, my parents, my self, my daughter! Thanks for the giveaway!

    • Leann, I get so annoyed with myself if I’m stuck somewhere and have nothing to read. I’m going to put a couple of books out in the car so I don’t have that problem any longer. I always have a notepad out in the car just in case! I’ve written on napkins before when I’ve had a great scene in mind for a book. 🙂 I was in the airport with my Nook, but the charge had run out. So having a couple of paperbacks at hand should do the trick. 🙂 Super on being from a family of readers! 🙂 I read a lot of my daughter’s YA books too, and fell in love with them.

  4. We’re all readers in my family. My mom is the odd one out in the sense that she takes forever, (3weeks), to read a book, but my sister & I are voracious readers. Her two kids also love to read. I honestly can’t remember if my dad was a reader as it’s been 24 years since he passed, but I do know that reading was definitely encouraged when we were kids. 🙂

    • Judi, my dad was like that. He read really slowly. My mom was more of a voracious reader. Before her death, I signed her up for her own library card. I was working at the library for over four years and would bring her home all kinds of books to read. Much better than TV. 🙂 That’s wonderful to have so many readers in your family. 🙂

  5. I only started reading regularly about 20 years ago, when all the kids went to school. Started out with Suspense/Crime, which I still love, but 5 years ago I was introduced to PNR and I haven’t stopped reading since! I have a print library of 5000 books and when my DH always says “Did you see such and such on TV?” My reply is always the same “You know I don’t watch TV?” He replies “Yeah, Yeah I know, you read”. I tell him that’s why I won’t be getting Alzheimer’s, I keep my mind stimulated!! I love you books Terry, and pre-order every one!

    • Kazza, I didn’t read for a long time either when I was in college, then in the Army and getting my MBA and then working on my advanced Army courses. No time. Then I started teaching my kids to read and I hadn’t read anything for myself in forever. But then my life was turned upside down, and I began writing romance and reading it. And I have been ever since. 🙂

  6. I got my love of reading from my grandmother. She was a member of the Harlequin club where they auto ship you books. I started avidly reading when I was around 14 and mostly romances, thanks to her. I went through a period where I didn’t read, but picked it back up about 5 years ago and I haven’t stopped. I read maybe 2-3 books a week. I am the only reader in my family right now since my son can’t read yet.

    • Ah, that’s so neat, Sheryl! You’ll have to teach him, and read with him. 🙂 I took my kids to the library programs when they were little also. I made a Corduroy bear for the library’s storytelling program too. 🙂

  7. My parents were both voracious readers of very different genres, so I was exposed to all kinds of stories as a kid. My daughters are as crazy about reading as I am, and my autistic grandson enjoys being read to (although in the last few years he has learned to read, which is SUCH a thrill for us all). I often give a couple of the basic “board books” as baby shower presents, like to catch those readers early LOL.

    • That’s so neat, Veronica! I love the idea of giving board books as baby shower gifts! My daughter has saved some of her favorite childhood books to read to her children. That’s what so wonderful about books. They’re forever. 🙂

  8. We are huge readers at my house. My kids (6 & 8 yrs old) even bought books for my hubby for father’s day! When the oldest learned to read, he used his reading homework time to read to the youngest. Now that she can read, she reads to her stuffed animals! Many nights we all wind up in bed snuggling with our respective books at the end of the day! It’s such a nice way to spend time together and share our interests! 🙂

    • Ah, Jeni, that is too cute!!! I love it. I’d always heard that if you read to your kids and read while being with your kids, that will encourage reading. But it’s interesting to see that some didn’t need that “role modeling” to give us that incentive. I love it!

  9. My husband and I are both voracious readers. We always read to our kids and encouraged them to read on their own as they grew older.

    Last September, our oldest son surprised us with a copy of P.D. Eastman’s “Go, Dog. Go!” Inside the front cover he wrote, “This is a book you guys once read to me, now here is a copy for you to read to your grandchild.”

    Our grandson turned four months old yesterday. (And yes, I cried again while I wrote this.)


    • Uh, Izzy, I did too! And I’m supposed to be writing the ending of A Hero of a Highland Wolf, when you have a son who is a hero in the flesh. Just totally touching. Grabbing tissue. Dabbing eyes. Thanks so much for sharing. My favorite to read to the kids was “Goodnight, Moon.” Though we loved “Go, Dog. Go!” also. When my kids were older and perfectly capable of reading on their own, I read all three of the unabridged “Wizard of Oz” books to them. It was wonderful. We all curled up on the couch together for the many days it took to read them and took the journey together.

  10. I’m definitely the odd one out in my family. My mom likes to read but it’s not something she makes time for. My dad isn’t a reader, and my brother never became one, but I always had my nose stuck in a book as a kid. I did go through a dry spell through high school and college, but now I average a couple books a week and have a TBR list that grows faster than I can get through it.

    My husband reads on occasion, but only when he’s in the right mood for it… if he’s not, even his favorite books won’t hold his attention.

    No kids yet, but I definitely plan to instill reading early and hope that it sticks as they grow.

    • That’s wonderful that you read despite a non-reading family, Charleen. Every Christmas, besides a wish list of computer games, my daughter and her husband and my son and his wife ask for books. I always got them books growing up too. Or a series that they loved to read. Birthdays too. I think many have “dry spells,” while they’re busy with other commitments, but it sure is a wonderful way to relax and visit another world. 🙂 And when you have kids, they’ll love you for it.

  11. When I was a kid, my father, brother and I often read together when we were on vacation. We all read at other times, just not together. My husband and I are both readers, but we generally only read together at bedtime. My kids (now grown), unfortunately, didn’t pick up our reading habit.

    • Ahh, Janie, maybe someday they’ll learn the joy of reading. Even with the ereaders, I think a lot more people are reading than ever before. Too cool about your family reading together! Love it!

  12. I love reading give me a few minute break in a line I’ll read. I have both kindle and nook apps on my phone. Love reading your books. My daughter is also a big reader. Take care. Happy writers make happy readers thankful I’m one.

    • Thanks so much, Loretta! And you definitely make me a happy writer. So thanks for all your encouragement and help!!! Thanks so much for helping with the chaise lounge. It’s perfect for A Hero of a Highland Wolf. 🙂

  13. I loved to read in my teen years but after I got married and had children there wasn’t time. When I picked up a book and got interrupted I got frustrated so I decided to just stop. Back then we had wringer washers..cloth diapers..etc. diaper pins lol I had 3 boys. When I was finally on my own and with nothing to do I had forgotten all about it. It had been 30 yrs. I was walking by the books in the drugstore one day and saw one that interested me and looked at the price and was a little taken aback by the prices. Then I saw the prices in Amazon and Walmart and my old addiction came back full swing. Even worse. Because after awhile I didn’t care what it cost. I think reading is a wonderful way to keep your mind fresh and open. I had forgotten how good it made me feel to travel and picture things in my mind I would never see. Let your imagination fly. Terry your books are up top when it come to imagination. Keep it up. 🙂 Pam

    • That is so cool, Pam!! I’m the say way. Well, I first started to write a historical romance, and then, I began to read everything romance. When it didn’t have romance, I just didn’t like it half as well. When I was younger, I loved ghost stories and mysteries–Agatha Christie, Sherlock Holmes. But now it’s all romance. 🙂 And yeah, it’s an addiction. If I’m busy writing all the time and don’t have time to read other books, I feel I’m in withdrawal. 🙂

  14. My mom was a huge readers and she read to us kids when we were little. I remember thunderstorms when we lost power and she gathered us around and read by the light of a candle to keep us calm and distracted. I didn’t pass on that love of reading to my daughter–or I didn’t think I did until I gave her a nook. She loved the Harry Potter, Twilight, YA series, and I can ‘share’ a book from my nook to hers via ‘lend me’ if I think she’ll like it. She’s so busy she can’t often finish in two weeks, but she’ll buy the ones she likes. My husband also loves to read, but his genre is horror. He has his Stephen King novels on his Kindle. But, there’s something for everyone and thank goodness for that!

    • How wonderful, Ash! I’ve read a lot of Stephen King’s books. I’m sort of an all genre reader. I love that ereaders seem to be giving a boost in helping some to read who wouldn’t otherwise be inclined. 🙂

  15. Adorable picture. Nice blog. I grew up in a family of readers but my sister and I read the most. In my own family, it’s more of a girl thing, the guys just want to do-not read about it. My son only became interested in reading when Harry Potter came out which just goes to show if you’re an author, keep on pushing that book even if it’s not “marketable” now. Can you imagine how many times J.K. heard that? Hah – we wouldn’t be enjoying stories about camping werewolves now!

    • That’s so fun, Ashley! My kids have been big readers and get so annoyed when the movies don’t get the story right. Love it. But yes, I agree. The nice thing is they are forever. When the fad is gone, it will come around again. 🙂

  16. When our kids were little we read aloud every day. We started with things like Winnie The Pooh (oh yes, it was a terrific book before Disney got hold of it!) and graduated to Anne of Green Gables and Where the Red Fern Grows. With each book, we added to our family’s secret lexicon. To this day if one of my girls says something leaves “so little scope for imagination” I know exactly what she means!

    • Ah, that is so cute, Mia! Another thing this reminds me of is when they were too little to read, but they’d tell the story as I read, already having memorized the words. There was Winnie the Pooh before Disney? LOL 🙂 Yes, on Anne of Green Gables and Where the Red Fern Grows. Such happy memories. 🙂

  17. Like yourself, my parents were both readers and my father drummed into my head – “The day I stop learning, please close the lid.” I never forgot that.

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