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Hewitt Dog Days of Summer and Going to the Dogs!!!

Anya, Sheltie

Anya, Sheltie

dachshund, Zane

Great Dane, Lexie


Husky, Kira

Havanese, Champion left, Huckleberry, Lisa Wingate’s right

Miniature dachshund, Chloe

poodle, lab,Weimaraner


Old English sheepdog, Boomer

Otis, Italian greyhound

West Highland Terrier

Scottish Terrier

Yorkshire terrier

Mastiff, Diesel

Ranger, shih tzu

Petra and Nike–Jack Russell terrier fairy

And that is where I was for five hours last Saturday, having fun, selling books, talking to dog owners, and trying to stay cool. I love animals and it was like going to a dog show like I used to do when I was younger and seeing all the different breeds. And of course it made me want to have one again.

They had dachshund races and dress up contests, just all kinds of things.  And they gave away free dog dishes and leashes.

Afterward, my daughter and SIL and their Pembroke Welsh Corgi “puppy”, he’s a little over a year old now, had come in to visit, so that night we went out to dinner and saw a movie, and then all the next day while they were off to see his parents to celebrate Father’s Day, I played with Sir Rilo. Once they left, I jumped on my mss–A SEAL Wolf for Sale. Doing last minute changes, probably 2 days worth, and then it will be done, finished, the end and off to my publisher.

Sir Rilo, Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Here we are playing.

Sir Rilo in my lap, being a big baby

Finally, conked out in his makeshift “den.”

Sir Rilo asleep

And that is why I’ve neglected my blog for the weekend! 🙂

I want a Havanese. They don’t shed, great personality, and they’re adorable. I had a black standard poodle last, and lost her. I’ve also had a yellow Lab, a white standard poodle, and silky terriers.

Do you have a dog or three? What are they? Do you have any of these? I wish I could have gotten pictures of more, but I was selling and talking to a couple of young writers also, but I really did enjoy myself. 🙂

Hope you have a lovely Monday! I’m back to rereading A SEAL Wolf for Sale so I can turn it in!



“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

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