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Don’t You Like to Know the Ending?

I had a mystery wild creature in my yard. It was hiding in the thick variegated shrubs that are six foot tall, two of them, one in front of the other in a corner next to the house and brick wall, the AC unit on the other side of one of them.

Every time we’d go out there in the morning, dark out, I’d hear monster sounds, thumping around back there. What was it?

Nearly every morning, I’d see a rabbit bound across the side yard also. So I was wondering if the sound was coming from bunnies and momma was trying to draw us away. Or it was the skunk who had run across the yard also back there. Or the toads thumping around.

Or something else.

I didn’t think it was rabbits or skunks because my puppies would rush in looking for whatever it was and I was certain the monster creature would bound out of there.

So I took my camera with the telescopic lenses and peered in there after the puppies were inside, and I finally saw the elusive beast!

Mystery Solved! I was so glad to know he was only a cute little toad and not a skunk!

Blue Rainbow Bear with green suede paws

Blue Rainbow Bear Cleo

Mystery solved, bears done. Halfway done on Covert Cougar Christmas!

Have a great Friday!!!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

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Wilde & Woolly Bears

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