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White Bison and Brown Photo Art

I took the photo of the bison at the wildlife reserve in Omaha, Nebraska. They have these humongous doors that automatically open and you drive into the reserve. It reminds me of Jurassic Park and their huge doors. They have deer and bison, elk, turkeys, roaming free on the land. And they have the white bison, and they had a calf too. I used Daily Texture for the background and foreground, and the additional clouds and moon are from Oscraps.

I worked all day on White Wolf Moon edits and have more to do this morning. Then after that, I’ve got to start reading it through to make sure I caught anything we all missed, then turn it in. In the meantime, I started working on Billionaire wolf, and I have 3,000+ words on that also. So a beginning. But I have to start somewhere! Once I’m done editing and proofing White Wolf, I can concentrate more on Billionaire. I wanted to write more yesterday, but I needed to get White Wolf done.

I need to go to the grocery store, but they’re not going to require masks in a couple of days and we have five different strains of the more easily shared COVID-19 in the Houston area. Yes, I’m wearing a mask, so hopefully, that will help. But I noticed already, last Friday, a woman picking up her toddler at the daycare, no mask, even though it was required. And at the grocery store a week before that, a woman wearing no mask. I was reading about a 27-year-old who died of COVID. So it’s not only the elderly who get sick and die of it.

In any event, I’m disappointed in the way things are being handled here. If we would wait a couple of more months while everyone gets vaccinated who wants to, we would be in a lot better shape. But more people will die needlessly.

Okay, back to the book and writing where pandemics are just the stuff of legends and myths and old history.

Hope you all are staying healthy and safe and have a super, lovely day!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
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