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In the Beginning

Yesterday, I had a winning start on the next book. Well, actually, I  have several in process right now. But I was reading a medieval romance and it finally got me into the mood to write The Viking’s Highland Lass and so I wrote 6,700 words yesterday. It doesn’t always happen that way. Often, I’ll be thankful to write a 1,000 words, 2,000 words being my goal for a day. But one scene led to another, and I finally had to quit, well, printed off pages of that and Cougar’s Mate, and edited them last night so I’m working on the revisions next, hoping to have 10,000 words by today.


Sometimes, we just need a little inspiration–seeing a movie, or reading a book. Some writers say they never read. Ever. How can  you not read a book? And be a writer of books?


The joy to me is in creating a story, but I love jumping into worlds other authors have created too. To lose myself in the conflict and the fantasy and just enjoy. Sometimes I’ll watch a futuristic story and think, oh, what if my character has a similar vice or strength? Not that it would be futuristic in nature, but just something about the character resonates and I want to make my character like that.


The temperature went from a high of 73 yesterday, to a high of 37 today. There should be a law against temperature extremes like that. But in the story, a snowstorm is wreaking havoc.  Did you know that a storm or a setting can be as much of a character in a book? Anyway, we have 80% of rain, with 25 wind chill right now. So you know what that means? Perfectly stormy weather to write my snowstorm in.


The other day I saw the movie Shadow Recruit with my daughter and son-in-law. Lots of action, CIA is soooo perfect, it’s funny, but it has a lot of suspense, thriller, cute love story, and I enjoyed it.


Sure, it’s a total fantasy that they can take a guy who doesn’t know how to be a real agent–despite that sure, he’s an ex-marine, and really, really smart–but it’s fantasy, folks. LOL


Have you ever noticed stories that say: Based on a true story? Based on actual events?


But how much of it is true? Okay, so the sun sets every night, and it rises every day. Now, we know that’s true. So if we have a story where it shows the sun setting and the sun rising, then we can say it’s based on actual events, right? Those are two events that truly happened. Really.


So here’s my rendition of a true event:


The bears and the girl and the forest are real.


The fantasy? She is not sitting in that forest. And the bears are the same height, 10 1/2″ tall.


I rest my case. And now I’m back to creating my fantasy worlds!


Stay warm if you’re cold and cool if you’re hot, and I’m off to write!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male!”
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