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Yikes, I Didn’t Post! ‘Tis the Season to Get Overwhelmed!

christmas-brunchWe had our last Christmas party with one of the groups I belong to. I really love it here. When I lived in Crawford, there were no groups to belong to. The wild cornfield group. The roadrunner group. Well, that meant the cornfields and me…and the roadrunner and me. Oh, and the snake watcher’s group. I had more snakes than I could count.

We had free mimosas at the restaurant because of the holidays. So much fun! I wrote 2,000 words before I went, got some Christmas cinnamon candles at half off, and will scent the house with the candles for the holidays. So I walked all over the mall, and then the parking lot, looking for my car and got my exercise in too. Win-win!

My daughter has the winter break from school, so we’re spending the day out shopping and having lunch out. My son arrives on Thursday. So Friday, we’ll be running and doing something. We’ll be seeing the new Star Trek movie this weekend too.

I meant to finish Loving the White Bear before all the holidaying began. So that means Tuesday and Wednesday, no more goofing off. I did spend the evening editing 20 pages…. 🙂

Okay, I get it. I’m boring you. Get the picture taking over, already. 🙂 <3

It went from 80 to a wind chill of 22. I know that’s not that cold for our northern cousins, but, that much of a drop for us is a LOT.  Eighty is not normal for us either. It’s very cold again today. It’s supposed to warm up after this. The puppies love the cold though. They have been having a ball running in it, and then when they come in, Max curls up on my lap to get warm, and warm me.

I feel like I need a polar bear coat.

Well, before I am off and running again, I’ve got to get back to writing.

Enjoy your Monday!!

Terry Spear

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

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