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Can Music Jumpstart Your Muse?


Absolutely! For just about anything, or take you away from the drudgery of what you’re doing, carrying you away to some other fantastical world. But boy can it be jarring too, if it’s not the right music for the job. On the other hand, what works for one, might not work for another.

I pay my neighbor to mow my yard and he was listening to music while he was weedeating. He said he would never do yard work again without listening to it. It carries you away, you see, from that hot, menial task.

You’ve probably watched a movie that has the most beautiful musical score and it carries you right into the world with no problem. And then the worst ever musical score that pulls you right out of the story because it doesn’t suit the mood at all.


Storms and sunset and clouds and sunrise.

I had been listening to Halo (game theme music), and Game of Thrones. I listen to a lot of movie scores like Bourne Identity, etc, for the thrill of the chase. But someone was telling me for his work, photo composition, he listens to Youtube game music. And so I found the one he was listening to, and it was beautiful. So I’ve been switching music for background music and it helps me to write.

I’ve been listening to Skyrim because it lasts for 10 hours and I don’t have to keep starting another hour-long song. I write all day, so it helps. It’s relaxing, not great for exercising to though. So when I want something that has more of a beat while I’m editing, I just look at the sidebar and pull up some other song. One that came up was a chilling space kind of music and it had a pretty good beat so I could exercise and read to edit at the same time.

This is the 10-hour long, relaxing music. This is more suitable for mystery, mystics, magic, and otherworldly, rather than driving conflict, like I usually write. But I still love it.

One cover artist mentioned some music that really gets her in the mood for a certain kind of cover. I listened to it and it was the most jarring, bone rattling, chalk screeching music I’ve ever heard. I’d be running for the hills to get away from it. So you have to find the music that works for you!

Do you listen to music when you work and play?


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
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