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Having a Little Rant, Are We?

If you’re a public figure, you need to know that if you get on a rant about something on social media, it could come back to bite you. I avoid political, religious and other issues because it’s not my purpose in life. I want to share what I love: writing, photography, gardening.

Life is too short to spend it going off on tirades that won’t change anything.

Though, I do want to say that I am all for cutting out plastic, and I’m doing something about it. I don’t have to rant about it. I just have to do something. And hope everyone else does too, because in the end, I can’t make anyone do anything. So it’s up to everyone to get on the bandwagon, or not. And yes, I read lots of articles about it, and those are helpful, inspiring articles, well worth the time to read.

A fan posted on my FB page about a certain model and owner of a site that sells pictures of himself for authors’ books because I’m a FB friend (as in bought a couple of covers from him early on when there were little to no sites that had romantic couples for covers–though the problem was that it meant all the covers featured him as the male, no other male models, and you can’t have one man on all your covers.) lol

But he went on a rant about fat people. Obesity. He’s in a business! I’m sure not all of his customers are lean and muscled like he is. He’s a bodybuilder. That’s his business. Having pictures taken of him for his covers. He got mad because he doesn’t like going to the gym anymore, but he has to so that he can keep in shape. For. His. Business.

Hey, I need to lose 10 lbs myself! Been working on it, but I gained back 4 pounds over the holidays. ugh. I could maybe even lose 15, but then I’d probably have to have plastic surgery.

I think people forget that when they’re on social media, they can spill their guts, get angry about something–even when it doesn’t affect them–and say what they want to say when it’s a sore point with so many. Would they feel the same if they were given a podium to stand at and talk to all the obese people he’s addressing in such a degrading way? It’s easy to shout to the rooftops when you’re on social media. But it’s also a good way to sabotage your business and public image.

A good friend of mine is in weight watchers, and I love how she’s really worked to get the weight off, changed her eating habits and exercises, and I probably about killed her, making her walk all over Minnesota when we were out there in the heat. But she realized she could walk a lot further than she thought and she’s kept it up. We keep up with each other on weight loss and steps we walk. But that’s what people need. Not a head-bashing, because guess what? It doesn’t work. We don’t need his “wake-up” call, as he says. We need to decide for ourselves that this is important enough for us and to get on with it, with encouragement from friends and family.

Just like the articles on plastic garbage have done for me. I didn’t realize it was such an issue!

So say something nice, encouraging, inspiring and have a happy life.

For me, I need to finish a bear for an order and I finished Claiming the White Bear, woohoo!!!! But now I am in the process of proofreading it before it goes to my beta readers, who are my lifesavers!

Hope you are having a great day! And remember to say something positive, even if you are feeling negative. Maybe you’ll even feel better, and your readers definitely will.


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
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