Site icon Terry Spear's Shifters

In Fantasy or Fiction…

We create worlds.

In the one picture I took in Scotland, I was on the bus in Edinburgh, and we saw a beautiful rainbow. But the setting wasn’t beautiful, cluttered with buildings and stuff. So I created a fictional world–from a photo I’d taken from a castle on the Isle of Skye. The scenes were both fantastical, as if being dropped into a fairy world, yet both are real. I’m sure the passengers thought my friend and I were nuts as we took as many pictures of the rainbow as we could capture while the bus kept moving along.

In the one I took of the cardinal, he was looking into the water as if peering at his reflection. But, what if–and that’s the start of a story. What if he sees himself as a hawk. Or he wishes he were a bird of prey. Or what if he realizes the hawk is above, his reflection in the water? That’s what makes creating stories from reality into fiction, or fantasy, fun. The cardinal was really at a birding stand at the cabins where we did our writer’s retreat, staring into the water. I edited the book I had to edit while there, but I also took advantage of photographing as much as could. 🙂 <3

The cooper hawk was sitting on my fence. I included an awful picture of a blurred version of the cooper hawk when he was on a different fence section and was getting ready to take off. I wouldn’t have shown it on here, but I posted it on FB to show the wing span, and one of my readers said it was a shifting hawk! There you have it! My shapeshifters shift so fast, they are a blur of forms. I love my readers. 🙂 She turned my poor photo into fantasy, and now, you know what that means? Anyone who sees a creature shifting is in trouble.

I really, really need to run errands today. I hate running them because it messes up my writing routine, then I’m struggling to get it done. If I don’t go early, though, I’ve begun to write, and then…yep, no errands. My car registration came in and I have to get a safety inspection before I can register it, so….no putting it off. That’s the mundane of life. I’d rather be photographing, creating bears, creating composites, gardening, and writing. Oh, and I did get about 60 gals of branches cut and weeds pulled yesterday. Then I moved a rock, it was starting to get too dark to work, and found a snake. Yes, it was a garden snake, but that decided it. No more gardening for the night!

Have a super, lovely day!!

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
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