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Families that Read Together, Stay Together

Under the Cover Blog Reviewer tagged me in the CUTEST ever photo of her daughter and her on a camping trip… reading in a tent. She gave me permission to share this on my blog.

Now first, I want to say that jaguar shifters and werewolves are into camping, big time. They love the jungles/forests. So it just seems appropriate that she would be reading JAGUAR FEVER on the camping trip.

When I was growing up, my parents weren’t much to read. My mother loved books, but she never read them when I was home. My dad didn’t either. But I devoured books. We’d go to garage sales and I’d pick out all the books my mother could afford. I went to the school library all the time and read.

When I went camping with my best girlfriend, Diane Stokes, her parents were big readers. Her older sister was a librarian. We all read at a lake visit one time, Diane and my sister and I also spent a lot of time in the snapping turtle-infested Central Florida lake. And we loved it! That was part of the adventure. Staying on the rafts and hoping that there weren’t any water moccasins or alligators also in the lake. And that the turtles didn’t bite us. Since my mother tangled with a snapping turtle in another lake, we knew they could actually remove a toe with their beak-like mouths–according to a ranger who treated my mother’s bite. So we splashed a lot to keep them away, hoping they didn’t think we were flopping fish and ready to eat!

Both my son and daughter love to read as much as I do. And so do both of their spouses.

So when I go on vacation? I take a book or three with me. I have friends who sit on the beach reading. Not me. I’m walking or swimming. But at night… it’s time to cozy up with a book and drift off to another world.

What about you? Did you read as a family? Or are you the odd one out?

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