Who Needs Matching Socks…

May be an image of indoor
When they already both match your pants?

So we went to a park to do the maternity shoot and found another pregnant woman having one done, one with a new baby, a couple for engagement photos, and what looked like a 1 year old’s birthday party. It was fun seeing all the things going on, everyone separated with masses of greenery. They brought a bubble maker and that was fun, though it ended up making so many bubbles they all became bubbleheads. lol But I’ll share the pictures with them of those too.

I had this nightmare that Keira would end up in a lake and her daddy would have to fish her out, and then at the park it was mainly green grass and pine trees, but then we saw the water–a pond and water fountain, and naturally, we had to take pictures there too. So then the dream came back to me.

In truth, I had watched the movie Barbarossa the night before and the emperor had fallen into the water and the men were trying to rescue him. He came up on his own, but 14 years later, that’s how he died. So I think that, combined with the  notion of a preschooler and water, caused me to have the dream.

We happily went home and had pizza after the shoot, and daddy didn’t have to rescue anyone.

Before we went, I finally managed to finish the proofing of Jingle Bell Wolf and sent it off.

Next, I have to do the edits on White Wolf Moon, and proof Saving the White Cougar.

It’s fun having the books mostly done, but even more fun having them finished so I can write the new ones. And I’m eager to get back to work on them! And play around with some art too. I’ve been so busy working, I haven’t had a whole lot of time for much else.

Hope you all have a lovely day!!! I’m off to work!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
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