Archive | March 2018

Mystery Flowers

Most flowers I know what they are when they bloom. The buttercup (ranunculus, purple flower), the pink daylily I just planted and it’s the first to bloom of all the daylilies I’ve planted. The azalea (lavender with water drops on it), the coreopsis (golden flower, had to do a search on it, because I’d forgotten what it was), and the other mystery plant, have no idea! So it’s like Christmas in spring!

Every year I plant more perennials, because I like to see them take hold and expand, rather than just add annuals that have to be replaced every year. I have planted some in the past–pentas, because the hummingbirds love them, but I’ve run out of room for them.

Every day, it’s like Christmas as I check to see who is blooming, and voila! There’s another new sunny face smiling up at me.

I need to find before and after pictures of how my plants are growing. I love seeing pictures like that!

Okay, I’m off to make the final changes on Her Jaguar Protector and then get ready for Easter early and a baby birthday party.

Enjoy a little mystery in your day too!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
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Pink Buttercups Growing Wild

Having trouble posting my blog today. Ugh.

Still working on changes on Her Jaguar Protector and turned in the marketing materials for the book–cover design suggestions, title suggestions, short synopsis, long synopsis.

Doggy daycare today as I’ll be taking care of my daughter’s dogs instead of the baby.

So I’m off to work on the last changes. Tomorrow is the baby’s birthday party. 🙂 It will be more for us than for her, though she’ll have fun. 🙂 And we’ll celebrate Easter then too.

Have a super flower-filled day!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
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Taking a Walk–What Do I See

When writing, you look at the setting, don’t over describe because you don’t want to lose the characters in the scene, unless of course the setting is a character, and it can be, so when I’m on a walk, I look for anything that catches my interest. What stands out in the scene. What makes it special.

Yellow irises with the backdrop of colorful umbrellas and a fountain spewing water into the pond, dragonflies mating on the sidewalk before me, colorful snapdragons close up and further away to show their actual setting, a Texas windmill spinning, spinning on the windy day, and a trio of birdhouses, art against the sky.

I’m nearly done on Her Jaguar Protector. Couldn’t sleep in the middle of the night. Who me, stressed out? Nah. Yeah. I just got the request for the synopsis and cover ideas for the book, both due on Monday, and I have to go in for jury duty selection on Monday. Ugh. So I couldn’t get back to sleep, and instead, read another 4 chapters. Three chapters left and an epilogue. I’ll finish that today, and then jump on the other deadline materials.

So off to work!! Have a super fun day!!!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
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Beauty of Water

On my walk to drop off trees for my daughter that I received for donating to the National Arbor Foundation, I missed capturing a bluebird, but I found all kinds of other beauty to photograph instead.

I love water, the fountains, ponds, the forests and flowers. And the sidewalks so that I can enjoy all of the beauty in the area.

Baby is asleep on my lap, and now it’s time for me to get back to reading Her Jaguar Protector. I made all the major changes, and now I’m just reading it again to make sure I didn’t make new mistakes, or leave things in that pertained to the old story. I hope to make a dent in it, even while baby is here. I usually can’t get much done.

Have a lovely day!!!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
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Editing…Rewriting…Scene Moving

Okay, so my beta reader got back with me on the story, Her Jaguar Protector. So I’m moving scenes and I took out a beloved character, though he is so braided into the story, it’s a major job. But I had too many characters. I really miss him though. I’ve saved the scenes and will try to use them in another story later. He and another character were stealing the show. I tried to remove him too, but just can’t because I’d have to rewrite the whole story, and I need to turn it in by next Monday. It’s important to keep the focus on your main characters when you write romance though. Too many main characters and readers get confused.

And I need to give more character information on the bad guys.

I was watching a movie where a couple and his brother were at a closed down state park camping, and their hunting rifles and other gear were stolen while they were sleeping. Three men killed the two brothers. (Which to me is annoying. I get tired of the weakest link always surviving, and the tough, smart guys turning too stupid to live. She’s a doctor, doesn’t like to kill things, they’re hunters, love to kill things, both outdoors-men, Boy Scouts–had perfect motivation for killing the bad guys–the one killed his dog, and then he tried to kill him. The other killed his brother, and tried to kill him. They injured them, but didn’t kill the bad guys. Then they were both murdered. Give. Me. A. Break. Then the doctor woman who only likes to go antiquing, kills all three bad guys.–A. M. A. Z. I. N. G. Oh, and she’s pregnant. Give. Me. A. Break. In stories, we need some realism. Come on.)

But, my initial point was going to be–the three killers had NO backstory. No characterization. It made the story fall way short. They were rotten teens. But why did they do what they did? What was their motivation? Their family history? They all got calls from their families asking when they were getting home. But that was it. So, to give the story more depth, knowing something about their history would have made it much better. Especially since we don’t see the story from their point-of-view. She killed them, took one of their bicycles into town and that was THE END.

And that’s my story and I’m sticking to it! Speaking of which, need to get back to it. I have four more chapters to revise, and then have to reread the whole thing again. Time is running out!

Have a lovely day!!!!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
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Plotting the New SEAL Wolf Story

I’ve spent days on this, trying to come up with a story that’s different from all the other stories I’ve written–over 60 total and 26 of those are wolf shifter stories. So it HAS to be unique. I asked readers if they wanted me to set the location somewhere new because the SEAL wolf is really new to the scene, but he’s a cousin to the Heart of the Wolf pack leader. His twin brother was the hero in SEAL Wolf Undercover. OR, should I have it set with the original wolf pack.

The readers who responded wanted more of Heart of the Wolf. I only wrote the one story, added a new novella to it for the re-release of the book on its 10th anniversary–the first book in the long-running series.

Okay, so here are some ways that I came up with the idea for the new story:

  1. Read books (sometimes they can jump start an idea that is nothing like what your story is about, but something just turns on the light bulb)
  2. Watched movies (thrillers, paranormal, survival stories–the latter two true stories)
  3. Brainstormed with a friend
  4. Looked up plot ideas on the internet (there are a ton of 100 plot ideas, 25 plot ideas, etc, and one of the simplest ideas got me to thinking)
  5. Researched an idea to see if it might work
  6. Gardened
  7. Took pictures (taking a break and giving your creative mind something else to do can help!)
  8. Kept mulling ideas over in my mind (every time I was thinking about stories that I’d watched or read, I kept telling myself to get on with what was important–the plot of the story, so I would think about it instead)
  9. Make lists (I don’t do this very often, but it can help)
  10. What if (What ifs can help to jump start an idea sometimes)
  11. News stories (I’ve come up with several that way)
  12. Trips I’ve taken (Oftentimes I’ll get an idea for a story based on a place I’ve been or lived, and it’s the perfect setting for the story, giving it mood and realism)
  13. Relax (So I had the idea last night of what I wanted to use for the story, it’s a counterfeiting scheme. I researched it. And then went to bed. This morning, I’m lying in bed, thinking about getting up, and Tanner is making little noises like: yes, do! And I was ignoring him, and thinking about the story. And then I had the scene in my mind!)
  14. Move to a new location. Sit outside for a while. Sit on the couch. Go to bed and think about the story. I’ve done all of these and suddenly, there it is. Amazing!
  15. True life stories you’ve experienced related to the story you’re thinking about.
  16. Solicit readers for ideas.

My friend was the one who mentioned her soap opera counterfeiting story. I remember when I was in the Waco area, how, if you had a $50 or $100 bill, they would run a marker over it to see if it was for real, or counterfeit. They did it for $20 bills too at some stores it got so bad. I looked up counterfeiters on the internet and found a ton of them who had been taken into custody, so it’s really big business.

It helped to get readers’ opinion on going with a whole new story, or tying it in with the original wolf pack.

So this morning, I was mulling over the story–how do the characters meet? The hero, the heroine, the bad guys?

And I had it! In the novella I added to the re-release on Heart of the Wolf, they have a cousin who is a doctor for the wolf pack. So he has a clinic. In the story, the hero, heroine, two of the bad guys, the female pack leader and her three toddlers are at the clinic. One of the bad guys is suffering from a gunshot wound. And that’s the beginning. Oh, and the heroine was on a flight and picked up the wrong bag, so she’s got some of the counterfeit money. The SEAL hero is a PI, and he’ll begin investigating the counterfeiters after the bad guys pay the bill with the fake stuff. I just have to figure out why he’s there, why she’s there, and start writing the book. Easy!

Now, the simple prompt idea that got this going on one of those plot idea blogs? She takes the wrong coat home. That got me to thinking–what if she had picked up the wrong bag at the airport and it had something important in it. (It might not be counterfeit money, but maybe passports and other stuff that tie in to these guys). Or what if one of the guys was going to be detained and slipped a key to a box into her pocket, planning to catch up to her before she gets away, but he misses her and then the hunt is on. Maybe the SEAL was trying to track these guys down already and thinks she’s one of them, because she’s got the suitcase of their counterfeit bills.

Soooo, there are a ton of possibilities, and the neat thing is–using What ifs, works! Oh, and then why? How? When?

Okay, so I’m still working on edits on Her Jaguar Protector, but I’m jotting down ideas for the SEAL story too. Then I need to write my word count goals on the calendar so I can get this book done on time, too.

And readers are asking about the next cougar book, yes, plan to write Stryker’s story. Next polar bear story, yes, working on it too.

Hope you have a super jump start to your day whatever you’re trying to do!!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
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Have You Ever Noticed…

Have you ever noticed how perverse life can be? I was trying to open a bag of bark mulch, trying to rip the bag open, yet, they tear easily and spill their guts out all over the place where you don’t want them to?

Water droplets on Buttercup and Blanket Flower

Have you ever noticed how confusing life can be? I went to the grocery store to buy dental floss. There must have been 50 million varieties. I just stood there looking at them (I have to admit I haven’t bought any in years), but I just couldn’t believe it. All I needed was one–just the old-fashioned, normal variety.

The same thing happened when I was looking for a king size pillow. That’s all, just a KING SIZE pillow. Now they have body pillows???? They looked cool. I might have to get one!

Okay, have grandbaby and so finally rocked her to sleep on my lap. She has a routine. I have a wolf blanket she likes to lie on when she’s on my lap, and when she gets tired, she’ll start to curl up on it. BUT, I have to bounce her and “shhhhh” her and sometimes give her a bottle until she drifts off. And then???? She’s out…for a little bit. Which gives me a break to finally finish my blog.

In the pictures above, my sprinklers left water droplets on the flowers and though I try to take pictures when it’s early or later, or overcast, I captured these in the sun, which captures sunlight on the water drops too.  That could have been me this morning, minus the sun. I was out with the puppies when the sprinklers came on and I got soaked by the time I reached the patio. 🙂 <3

Off to do whatever I can when I can’t move from my spot or wake baby. But I’m enjoying her at this age, because one day she won’t want to do this and she won’t be napping, and she’ll be into even more stuff than she is now…. 🙂

Have a lovely day!!!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
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The Big Picture: It’s in the Details

I’m mulling over the next plot for a book. I finished Her Jaguar Protector, Howard’s story!!!! So SEAL Wolf Brock Greystoke is the twin brother of SEAL Wolf Vaughn Greystoke in SEAL Wolf Undercover. They’re cousins of Devlyn in Heart of the Wolf. Brock is a PI and it’s his story. Do I connect him with Devlyn and Bella’s pack? Move on and set it somewhere completely different? Who is the heroine? Her occupation? Their objectives? How do they meet?

I read an interesting article on combining titles from other books that can give you an idea of a title for your book. The problem is that my publisher often changes the title. I have one that fits the book–Her Jaguar Protector for the one I just finished. That’s his mission–to be her backup. And it’s a jaguar shifter story.  So I came up with SEAL Wolf Surrender for the next story. I always do better if I have a title, then work off that.

In writing, photography, and life, we examine things–look closer, stand back and observe from a distance, see the bigger picture.

I try to put myself in my characters’ shoes. You have to know what they’re thinking, how they’re feeling to be able to share with readers. In real life, how many times have you thought your friend or family member knows just what you’re thinking? Everyone should know that. You say something and they should know just what you mean. Because…well, you do! 🙂 <3

My beta reader informed me she got lost in a scene. Hmm, person asks a question, no follow through until later. So need to switch things around. Does this happen in real life? Absolutely. My daughter asks me something, and I’m thinking about something else we talked about and I mention something more and totally lose her. But in writing, we need to be clear. 🙂

With photography, what are we focusing on? What are we trying to share? What do we want viewers, readers, friends to take away from what we’ve shared?

In the pictures, I’m fascinated with the intricacies, the beauty and the detail of the chives flower. With the sunrise, the soft, silky light and dark and colors of the clouds in the sky, a huge backdrop against the ancient trees towering above. This is old forest, the trees having watched the wildlife living among them since the beginning when they were only sprouts in the forest floor. See, it’s not just a picture of a sunrise. It’s all about life and change and sameness.

Okay, now it’s time to get more rocks for the garden to border the new flowerbeds I put in. Am I making more work for myself? Probably. Then I’m back to mulling. One writer said to pull a noun out of a book. Just any noun, and write about it. Hmm, could writing a novel be that easy? Need to find me a noun.

Have a super day looking at the big picture and the smaller details of life.


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
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More Macro: Water Droplets

Macro shots showing water drops and me taking a picture in them, a red rose and rosebuds, chives flowers. And baby sleeping on my lap while I was typing away on the story! I was determined to finish Howard’s story.

So I finished the book!!! Did I take a moment to celebrate? Nope. I have promotional blogs I have to do for All’s Fair in Love and Wolf! It’s coming May 1st. So I did all but one. I worked on it, but need to finish it up today. I have to see the tax accountant this morning, I have a jury duty summons for the first week in April and I need to get started on the next book. This is Brock’s SEAL wolf story, twin brother to Vaughn from SEAL Wolf Undercover.


All’s Fair in Love and Wolf

I also received a 4 star review from RT Magazine (they only give 4.5 as a max), so I’m elated for All’s Fair in Love and Wolf! And top pick from Night Owl Romance.

All’s Fair in Love and Wolf by Terry Spear

RT Book Reviews has given All’s Fair in Love and Wolf a fantastic four star review! They only give a max of 4.5, so this is great!

“In the new installment of the Silver Town Wolf series, a suspected would-be felon meets a bounty hunter she-wolf with an attitude. All’s Fair In Love and Wolf is a sweet tale of two individuals on the opposite sides of the law — at least that’s how it seems when they first met. As the story progresses, the characters show real depth and chemistry, making it a great read.” RT Book Reviews

Night Owl Romance– Debra Taylor, Reviewer’s Top Pick!
All’s Fair in Love and Wolf
“This story had a good mystery! It was unexpected and came as a complete surprise. Terry Spear is an amazing storyteller which was clearly illustrated by the true depth of emotion that was woven into the story. The chemistry between Sarandon and Jenna was scorching from the beginning but they were concerned that a mating might pull them in different directions. It seemed to me like the author did a great job of introducing a potential new series arc with some new characters. I’m all in for more books in this still as exciting as ever paranormal romance series.
As always, Terry Spear did a fabulous job on this book. I can’t wait for the next Heart of the Wolf book.

The Silver Town wolf pack has your back

Wolf shifter Sarandon Silver’s in trouble with the law, and bounty hunter she-wolf Jenna St. James is determined to bring him in for trial.

Lucky for Sarandon, the entire Silver Town pack is ready to fight for his innocence. But until the case is solved, Jenna’s sticking to Sarandon like glue…

Silver Town Wolf:
Destiny of the Wolf (Book 1)
Wolf Fever (Book 2)
Dreaming of the Wolf (Book 3)
Silence of the Wolf (Book 4)
A Silver Wolf Christmas (Book 5)
Alpha Wolf Need Not Apply (Book 6)
Between a Wolf and a Hard Place (Book 7)
All’s Fair in Love and Wolf (Book 8)

What People Are Saying:
“Sweet and sexy.”―Fresh Fiction for Between a Wolf and a Hard Place
“Spear has become a master storyteller.”―RT Book Reviews, 4 Stars for Alpha Wolf Need Not Apply
“Magnificently entertaining.”―RT Book Reviews, 4.5 Stars TOP PICK! for Billionaire in Wolf’s Clothing

May 1, 2018


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Have to finish that last promo blog and get back to work writing! Hope you have a lovely day! I finished, I finished, I finished! 🙂 <3


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
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The World of Macro

No more spring break, which means baby’s on her way here and I’m nearly done with my book! I would be today if I wasn’t taking care of baby. Hopefully, I can get something done on it though tonight and finish up in the morning.

So here is the world of macro: miniature roses that are small and ready to burst into flower, which are small. I’ve never had any luck with them wherever I’ve lived until I moved here. Even so, they struggled here the first year. And the second. But this is the third year, and they’re finally getting a little size. They will never get really big since they’re miniatures, but I love them.  A toadstool hiding beneath leaves. And the blossoms on a beefsteak tomato plant. I don’t think they were pollinated yet. Bees have been flying about so hopefully the tomato plants will give me abundant tomatoes like two years ago. I didn’t grow them last year, too busy. And I still need to put out the baby watermelon seeds! I had placed them around a tree, which had since died and so I need to figure out where to put these! I love a small yard, but it offers other challenges.

Off to get ready for the baby!

Remember to take a close look at all that surrounds us! It’s a small small small world after all. Enjoy it!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
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