Archive | December 2017

When You Can’t Do What You Want to Do…

You make another choice! Yesterday was a day like that.

First, we drove all the way out to the wolf reserve to see the wolves in the snow. And, it was closed. They said on their website they were open. So we went to the air museum instead, which wasn’t far away. There, I asked the lady selling the admission tickets about the wildlife reserve and she said that they close it at the first snow. *sigh* But I enjoyed the snow, and the air museum was fun to go to.

On the way back, I captured some shots of old barns and a partly frozen river. We were bouncing on a bouncy highway, going 75 mph (the speed limit), so I wasn’t sure I’d capture these quickly enough, but they didn’t turn out too badly.

So that night, we drove to the Crab Shack restaurant, another lengthy drive, and it was closed. Permanently. Huh???

Luckily, there were lots of restaurants in the vicinity, so we went to another favorite: the Cheesecake Factory. But we couldn’t believe that it seemed like everywhere we went, everything was closed. We were fortunate that we could make other fun choices.

I’m off to write!! Maybe next week I’ll learn if my new proposed books were picked up or not!

Have a super fun day today!!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

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Art Museum and Snowy Day

It was a snowy day, and I loved it. The birch trees in the snow around the horse statue were art in and of themselves. The fountain inside was beautiful, and it was cool how they had planters around it so they could change the flowers year round to fit the season.  The paintings were amazing from Monet to Renoir and many other painters I’d never heard of who could capture scenes and people in oil—snapshots of history—in a beautiful way. One was a painter for the King of France and I fell in love with his work. Another was an American woman, early ages, the only woman who reached acclaim in France and received awards.

Sometimes you want to capture something without a ton of people in the picture, but I loved the one with the woman looking at the glass ornament hanging in the window because it shows you just how tall the exhibit was.

I’m off to write. We’re going to brave the -15 degree weather today to see the wolves after lunch. Hopefully, they’ll be out and we’ll be bundled up enough to be all right. Much of the park you can drive through, and I wanted to get pictures of the elk, deer, and buffalo in the snow, probably the only time I’ll ever be up here that I can. But you have to walk up a trail to see the wolves and bears and hopefully they won’t be hiding away.

Enjoy a view of the art of the world today wherever you may find it!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear:





Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears

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Grilling Ribs in the Snow…

That’s hardcore, right? The sunset was beautiful last night also. 🙂 And the turkey for Christmas was delicious. That’s in the bag. I forgot to cook mine in a bag for Thanksgiving, but it still was perfectly divine.

I need to make one during the year. They’re just great to eat year round. Why wait until a holiday to enjoy one? The turkey was at the wildlife reserve. He is lucky. He’s safe from being a meal for the holidays!

The ribs were superb! Okay, we’ve had internet trouble, my son’s girlfriend is sick, but my son and I are going to try to make it to some museums today. I keep saying that!

But really, we are. 🙂 But if we don’t, we’ll have fun anyway!

Have a lovely day!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear:





Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears

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Playing Games, Alpha Wolves, and Dessert on End

How more random can I get, right?

Okay, so we wanted to go to the wolf park, but the place is closed until Saturday, and it’s only going to be 1 degree out for a high. Brrrr. So it was up to me. For those of us in the south, it’s hard to imagine what it’s like. But any exposed flesh feels like it’s burning. And that’s not even the windchill factor. With 10 mph winds, it’s even colder. And there’s no guarantee any of the animals will be out on display, but could all be huddled together somewhere, trying to keep warm.

The next pictures is of Horizon Zero Dawn. I’m more into Role-Playing-Games where you can stop the play during battle so I can decide which spells to use, or weapon abilities, etc. I fight all kinds of bad guys, solve all kinds of quests, and love the graphics. My son is playing this game on his TV and it’s amazing. The graphics are really great, and it’s a fun game. I have Divinity Original Sin 2 to play when I get home, but I still have to get my word count in.

And the last is a picture of an upended piece of pie. Who would ever have thought it could look so interesting by putting it on end like that. Next time you have pie at your house, try it. Your friends and family will think you’re either nuts, had too much to drink, or are trying out for chef of the year.

We went to see Jumanji last night. It was really funny and we enjoyed it. If you play video games, you’ll get some of the humor. But it’s still funny throughout. The moral of the story is: You only have one life to live, live it to its fullest.

We’re going to museums this morning, and we’ll see Blade Runner tonight. (renting the movie for home.) So in between, I’ll write.

I proposed 3 new titles, we’ll see if SB acquires them next week, and I’m off to write! The book cover for A Billionaire Wolf for Christmas is beautiful and I’ll show it once it’s approved.

Happy Holidays!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear:





Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears

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Brrrr, It’s Cold Out There…

At minus two degrees, I look cold. lol!

Finally got internet service back.  We’re seeing Jumanji today. The theater is as cold inside as it is outside, so I need to bundle up more this time.

But it means I am getting some writing done too. 10,000 words +. Sixty-thousand to go.

Have a beautiful day!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear:





Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears

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Wolves R Us

I love how my kids “get” me.  It’s fun when you have a “hobby,” which for me is my writing wolf shifter stories, polar bear, cougar, and jaguar shifter stories. So if I get anything like that, I’m thrilled.

So here’s a goblet of your favorite brew in toast to the upcoming New Year!

Oh, and I hit a button, have no idea which, and my WordPress screen is tiny, tiny. I can still read it, but what did I do now? Ever do that????

Okay, off to write for a while. My goal is to get 10,000 this week on Claiming the White Bear. I have 7400 so far so maybe I’ll reach 12,000.

Have a lovely day!! A museum is on the schedule and a walk to see the town lights. The wolf reserve is closed all week, so we have to do it on Saturday and it will even be colder and snowy. We have minus 8 windchill this morning…..brrrrrr….


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear:





Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears

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Merry Christmas!


Loved the Star Wars movie for Christmas Eve, washed Mishka because she smelled so bad–whiskers smelled sour, so here she was wrapped in a towel and a blanket on my lap to get warm.  Made a snow angel in the snow. We tried to make a snowman but the snow was too dry and wouldn’t pack into a snowball. And while the kids played computer games, or my son worked on his practice computer programs–he’s doing one a day before his last graduate class starts–I wrote 5,000 words for Claiming the White Bear.

I write before they get up in the morning too. It’s perfect here for it. It’s supposed to be 2 degrees tomorrow morning, high of 12. And one day is -5 and high of 8. Man, is that cold. Even the theater was freezing. I swore they had the AC on.

We had to make a stop afterward for butter at the grocery store. We had 5 minutes, which we did in two. We rushed to get it done before closing, while others were shopping like no one had mentioned it was time to close. I felt sorry for the clerks. I know what it is like to be working, calling out that the library was closing, and people ignoring us. They have the mentality that once they’re in the building, they don’t have to leave until they’re ready to leave.

Merry Christmas!!!

I tried to upload the snow angel picture, but I’m having trouble with WordPress this morning. Woke it up too early, I think! I’ll show it tomorrow. Okay, had to sign back in so we’re good to go. 🙂 Next to the snow angel are deer prints.

Before everyone wakes, I’m off to write a little more! Tomorrow, we’re going to see the wolves. But will they be out in the bitter cold? Or smarter than us and huddled away together in their den?

Have a lovely day!!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear:





Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears

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Claiming the White Bear

I’ve been wracking my brain for a story idea for my polar bear shifter book 2, and finally came up with one. Ironically, when we went to the grocery store yesterday, they had this big display with polar bears, and it was like a sign: Write your next polar bear book! 🙂 <3

And then this morning amidst a white Christmas Eve, I came up with the title. 🙂 Claiming the White Bear.

It’s snowing on Christmas Eve! I haven’t been anywhere that it snowed on Christmas since…hmm, maybe when I lived in Wisconsin? But I was little back then.

We had snow in the Houston area way before Christmas, and I was in a blizzard in St. Louis once on Thanksgiving. We had snow and sleet on Easter in Waco, Texas one year. But Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? Maybe never! Except when I was little. I remember walking across frozen lakes with my parents, being carried on my dad’s shoulders to the bus stop because the snow was so high, and the bigger kids helping the little kids remove all their snow gear so we could go to class. 🙂

We’re seeing Star Wars today, having Christmas Eve dinner, inviting a service member who couldn’t go home for Christmas, and having fun! My son and his girlfriend are both in the AF, and so is their friend.

Yesterday, we made it to the Escape Room to solve the puzzle of how to stop the 20,000 Leaks Under the Sea. We made it! Woohoo! It had snowed before I arrived, and then yesterday when we were driving to the Escape Room, it was snowing heavily.

For those of you who live in snow country, I know you’re shaking your heads. lol For me, it’s a novelty. And Inge said her mother came here from Hawaii last year and it was in the 60’s, very mild Christmas. They’ve had them for the last several years. Global warming come to mind? Or just one of those 100-year, 1000-year, million-year cycles?

We might not have enough snow to build a snowman, but this has been a lovely white Christmas in any event!

Have a Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, and if you don’t, wishing you a special day with snow or without! And if you’re getting snowed in, be safe!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear:





Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears

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Fairy and the Dragon, Puppies in a Mug, and Bite of the Vampire

Can you get any more random than that???

Still trying to come up with a story for the next polar bear book, but in the meantime, I was working some on book 2, Bite of the Vampire, and book 3. I think I have the cover for it, but don’t recall the title. It’s not on this computer, and I don’t think I’ve shared it before. Kiss of the Vampire is the first in the vampire teen series. I wrote it based on a cruise ship I’d taken one time. 🙂

Kiss of the Vampire

(Blood Moon Series, Book 1)

Category: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » Fantasy

The motto of the vampires is that humans have to deal with problems on their own. But when Levka and his friends risk all to save human girls, he is injured and so the adventure begins. A cruise. A human girl who is terrified of water. And a vampire who has targeted her for his mate. But she has some secrets of her own.

Forced to take a cruise ship to babysit her foster sister, Caitlin has to face her own demons. But add to that her foster sister’s and her friend’s antics and Caitlin’s inability to use her witch’s magic over water and she has little hope to enjoy this trip. Until she meets a wheelchair-bound teen and wants to make friends with him in the worst way.

Levka and his friends make a hasty retreat from Dallas before the vampire elders stake them for getting involved in human affairs–again. But when he meets Caitlin on the cruise ship, hating that he’s so weak after being injured so severely that he has to use a wheelchair, he finds their troubles have just begun.

Kiss of the Vampire - Terry Spear

Okay, off to work before I get sidetracked!

Have a great day!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear:





Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears

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More Gingerbread Houses!

While it’s 73 here and climbing to 78!! Tomorrow, the temp will drop. Good! It won’t be sweltering for Christmas then!

Have a great day!!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear:





Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears

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