Archive | September 2013

Rain, Rain, Come Again…

storms (800x533)

I love the smell of rain as it “oxygenates” the air. It greens up the poor plants that have been suffering in the heat. It revives them. And it revives me. The storms, the thunder, the lightning… the rain.

I wanted to curl up and write on one of my vampire books, but my taskmaster said no. I had to stick to A Highland Wolf Christmas. But there it’s snowing in the Highlands. I wanted to write about dark and stormy weather and… vampires.

So the rain is gone now…

And I’ve just offered The Highlander, the medieval Highland romance on Kobo for preorders. The book will come out on Oct 21.

Highlander11 (539x800)

So next time it rains, I’m going to pull out that vampire mss and get to work. 🙂

Have a super great Monday!



Book Marks for the Highland Series

I have only the one elf book out at this time, started the second one, and found covers I loved for 3 more. 🙂 So I made up a book mark, to remind myself I need to write them.

On the Highland ones, I do have all the books either available for sale, or as in the last one The Highlander, I’ll be publishing it Oct 21. Preorders at B&N, Kobo, and Smashwords available before that.

I’m still rereading it now, so off to work!!!

Have a super lovely, Sunday!!

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy IS reality.”

When a SEAL Wolf and an Undercover Operative Wolf Spar…

Seals in love…

Omaha Zoo, Thanksgiving 2012 185 (800x587)

This is what comes of two SEALS, well, seals frolicking.

Omaha Zoo, Thanksgiving 2012 139 (800x613)

And then we have a SEAL wolf and an undercover operative sparring…


And this is what comes of that frolicking business if they’re not careful…

wolf pup (640x454) color blast copy when seal wolves spar

My thoughts on A SEAL Wolf Christmas

What I love most about Terry Spear’s book is that you don’t feel lost if you read the series books out of order. I also loved seeing all the cameos of characters in previous Heart of the Wolf books. And, of course I loved the HEA and was surprised that a second HEA was found in the supporting characters. 
This book is a rollercoaster ride of mystery, intrigue, and wolfy love set to the backdrop of an Oregon winter. There is so much action going on and so many different plot twists. Many interwoven mysteries blended with well-developed characters and super sexy wolves. Terry Spear is a masterful storyteller. I loved every page of it!
I received a Net Galley copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All conclusions are my own.
Rating: 5 Stars
**A quick note, if you would like to purchase A SEAL Wolf Christmas, Amazon has the paperback on sale for $4.79! Not sure how long the sale will last so get your copy today! Link below!**
~ Elizabeth ~
Thanks, Elizabeth!!! So what do you think? Are their more wolves on the way????
Happy Saturday!!!
“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy IS reality.”

Do You Ever Just… Look Around You?

Dark skys bare trees silhouetted (640x427) (2)

I thought this was an interesting view of the storm clouds highlighting the bare branches of winter.

I was reading tips on photography and one of the things that was said was to take unusual views of an object, like instead of taking a picture looking down at a flower, take one from the side. Or from beneath it. I thought that was neat. For flowers, add some water droplets for interest. Maybe don’t take a picture of the whole object, but a special part of it.  I noticed on model photos that I want to use for my book covers, a lot of them have parts of the people cut off. It’s kind of odd. But maybe it’s more dramatic that way in some instances. Not all. I have some lovely pictures of the whole model for some of my covers.

And then if I want to cut off heads, or other body parts, I can. 🙂

Zoo with coyotes barking 074 (427x640)I cut off a lot of bird parts here. *sigh* But I did catch 7 whole flamingos and the reflection of 4 of them in the water. 🙂

Zoo with coyotes barking 031 (427x640)Okay, so the birds would NOT cooperate. It’s not the photographers fault!

Zoo with coyotes barking 025 (640x427)

Hey, it is a cool shot of flamingo reflections right? So sometimes head shots just aren’t important!

Off to write! Have a wonderful TGIF!!!

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy IS reality.”

Book Plates for Your Print Books!

Aren’t they beautiful?

fae autographed book platesHighland autographed book platesJaguar autographed labelsromance autographed book plateswolf pack autograped signature

If you need some, just send me an SASE.

terry spear @ ymail (dot) com

When you send me the SASE, just add a note saying which you need and the quantity! 🙂

Thanks! You are all the best.


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy IS reality.”

The Wolf Pack has Gathered!

wolves and books (800x667)

Wolves work in packs–team work, as long is it isn’t a lone wolf. I was reading about one that wanted to join a pack, but the pack leaders wouldn’t let him join. Kind of like Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer, right?

But he was persistent. Kept staying on the outskirts of the pack when they gathered for anything. Every once in a while, the male pack leader chased him off. And he’d run away because wolves protecting their territory can kill other wolves.

He wasn’t giving up. Which makes you think of what? He was pretty much an alpha in his own right. Yet…he wanted to live with the pack. So one day, the alpha male and female welcomed him. And he was finally part of the pack.

Don’t you love HEA? 🙂

If you picked up A SEAL Wolf Christmas, hope you are enjoying it!!!
Buy links:
Barnes and Noble
Indie Bound
Powell’s Books

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy IS reality.”


A SEAL Wolf Christmas is Out Today, and the Wolves are Howling!

Yep, it’s out and the wolves are all thrilled… until the she-wolves find that hunky Bjornolf has Anna on his team. She’s hard-charging and take-no-prisoner kind of she-wolf, so, ladies, be forewarned. Look and drool, but don’t touch. 🙂

Wolves howl in Moscow zoo at winter

I have to mention here that a woman was talking about ancient seals and I was like huh??? She wasn’t talking about Navy SEALs of course, or old, old seals with flippers, but the kind that would seal an envelope. Anyway, I think we all prefer the SEAL wolves, don’t we?? Hoooah! 🙂


Can an Alpha Wolf Who’s Met His Match…

Navy SEAL Bjornolf Jorgenson has had tough missions before, but going undercover with feisty gray wolf Anna Johnson could top the list. She drives him crazy—in more ways than one. Now he has to investigate a murder, supervise a wild teenage wolf—and handle Christmas with Anna.

Survive the Holidays with Her?

For Anna, the only thing worse than staging the perfect family Christmas is having to do it with Bjornolf posing as her husband. Anna is a serious undercover operative who isn’t afraid of a fight, even with a hunky SEAL shifter. With a killer on the loose, Anna just wants to focus on their mission, but the one thing she can’t fight is her sizzling chemistry with Bjornolf.

Buy links:
Barnes and Noble
Indie Bound
Powell’s Books

Are YOU ready for Christmas? Don’t let anything get in your way! 🙂

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy IS reality.”

A Cross-Eyed Tiger?

Zoo with coyotes barking 046 (640x427) (2) Is it just me, or is she cross-eyed? Maybe it’s looking at the fence wires that’s making her appear that way. This is the momma tiger, and she has three cubs. You can see them behind her all sprawled out on top of each other. They’re getting REALLY big.

Zoo with coyotes barking 070 (640x427) (2)

Aren’t the big cats beautiful? They look like they NEVER have a bad hair day. 🙂

Zoo with coyotes barking 033 (640x427)

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy IS reality.”

He Looks so Sad

Zoo with coyotes barking 039 (640x427)

But he has lots of play things, and a female to harass, but here he is looking sad as he peered through the fence at me as I took his picture. They’re taken care of, immunization wise, food wise, and play with them for enrichment.

They even have a doll for the female to take care of before she has a baby.  She wears her pink blanket all the time. I thought she WAS the baby. LOL But this is the female and the huge guy above is the male.

Orangutan with Cinnamon Toast Crunch (640x419)

Have a delightful Sunday!!!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy IS reality.”

Room for One More?

turtles room for one more (640x427)

Sometimes you want to be alone, and at other times, you want to join the crowd. Hang out. Be happy. Just hope that there’s room for one more or you could be left out in the cold.

So says the bale of turtles (that’s the collective term for a pack of turtles)…

Have a super lovely Saturday!!!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy IS reality.”