Magic User and the Cheetah

Created with Daz3D, a number of light and glitter overlays and Jane Eden’s Big Cats. So much fun!

So the doctor said it wouldn’t help to have a cast, that the break could shift either in the splint or cast. Great. I asked if I could type and he said lightly. It’s still giving me a lot of pain, so I hope it will heal quickly, not shift, and stop hurting.

I got edits for a 385 page book, that’s due early September, and there goes making my Oct 1 deadline probably on this other book.

The new editor practically rewrote my book. Voice, voice, voice. If someone else rewrites your book, it no longer is your book. And your fans say, this is not Terry’s book. And they buy my books for MY voice. If she wants to write her own book, go for it. But don’t use my story to do it.

This has happened a couple of times to me in the past. I remember just going along with it for one of them, thinking the editors knew best, but when it came out readers didn’t think it was my book. My name is on the book, so I need to say no when I need to.

The last time some years ago, they threw out the editor’s work. But this time they don’t have enough time. As if I do!!!!! And on this book, they lost it for a couple of months even though I had turned it in a month early, so I was unhappy about that because I work my butt off to get my books in on time, early even so I can begin work on the next deadline book. Anyway, it’s a long book, and I’m 117 pages into it and I’ve come to yet again another whole made up scene that’s not my voice.

Some of it doesn’t fit with the story, definitely not the characters, and logically not even in real life. Sometimes she writes a comment that an editor needs to check the narrative to make sure what she has added is correct. This story ties back to the first in the white wolf books–Legend of the White Wolf–and she obviously hasn’t read it. So no, often the narrative doesn’t fit. I feel sometimes she has her own made up love story going on.

What to change as an editor? Mistakes! Cut repetitive stuff. If I haven’t explained enough of the wolf’s world, do it for new readers to the series. But don’t rewrite an author’s story! It’s not my voice.

Years ago, a writer friend of mine had written a number of books and published them and then she got an editor to really go over one to see if she could grow. A disaster. She has a unique voice. Once the editor rewrote the story, it was technically correct, but it had lost what made the author’s voice hers. It was a humdrum, boring book.

I’m not the only one who has had this issue. Not that I’d want to wish it on other authors, but I’m glad it’s just not me.

So I did manage the 117 pages yesterday and 1,000 words still on the new book. Off to work on the edits some more and hope to get another 100 pages done. I had to get dog food for the dogs yesterday, so no running errands today, which should help.

Have a fun day!!!! The more I get done, the more fun it is for me!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
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2 thoughts on “Magic User and the Cheetah

  1. When you sign a contract is it usually a standardized version and can you add changes? I would play hard ball with them since you have an established reader base. I would think that editors would correct spelling and grammar errors without asking questions, but anything else would merely be suggestions?? Clearly, I do not know much about the world of publishing.

    • No, you’re right. That’s the way it should be. If an editor is rewriting your whole book, that’s not right. If they hadn’t misplaced the mss in the first place, they could have had a different editor look at it, but there wasn’t any time. I’m just going through and deleting anything that’s just wrong. But it takes time and I need to get back to writing the other deadline book. 🙂 <3

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