Wildlife Walk with the Puppies

Walking trail

Walking trail

My son says this is around a 15 mile walking trail. It’s so neat to see things like this in other places–we walked nearly 3 miles, the puppies and my son’s dog pulling us, and then nearer the end, Tanner sat on his butt as if to say, “Enough!”

But they managed to make it the whole way before it got dark and we made it safely to the car before the zombies came out. Maybe I should have said vampires. They tend to come out at night. But it was so quiet out there, and except for a runner and a few bikers, it seemed more like a zombie’s world.



We saw tons of birds and wildflowers.

Mishka watching a black bird on plant.

Mishka watching a black bird on plant.

Max: Oh, hot, Mommie

Max: Oh, hot, Mommie

We had a nice breeze, and the sun was setting, so cooler, but it had been over 90 degrees. Really an enjoyable way to end the day. 🙂 <3

Autographed books at Barnes and Noble in Omaha.

Barnes and Noble

Barnes and Noble

Hope you have a delightful Sunday!!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

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Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears.com


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