Tag Archive | merman

Courtship in Any Form

The Merman and the Mermaid

The shark picture is mine. The mermaid and mermen from DAZ3D, the porpoise and some of the fish from pixelsquid. The merfolk are courting and everyone has to get in on the act. Do you see Dory and Nemo in the picture? I had to add them for my granddaughter. First, I had Dory, and immediately she asked where Nemo was.

When I first started blogging years ago, I thought I had to do this so seriously, so perfectly, so properly. Then I became me. Then the blog wasn’t a chore. I can be silly, or serious, or me.

But first an announcement, one of my fans sent me the link to one of my books being free, so grab it now if you don’t already have it. I have no idea how long it will be free: https://www.amazon.com/Alls-Fair-Love-Wolf-Silver/dp/1492655813

Now that my public service announcement is over with, I woke this morning thinking, ohmigod, what day is it? Tuesday? I didn’t get any writing done, hardly and little one will be here tomorrow. Wait, no, it can’t be. Whew, it’s Sunday.

Maybe Groundhound Day is messing with me.

No, the Fae. Yesterday in the middle of the day, do you know what I heard? The dishwasher running. All. On. Its. Own. I ran over, touched it, it was vibrating, and then…it stopped. The Fae are DEFINITELY trying to get my attention.

Alright, already. I’ll write another of your books. But after….

So yesterday, I wrote 2,000 words on Wolf in Need. It will be the new novella in the 10th Anniversary of Wolf Fever. Yay!!

Only managed about 500 on Highland Wolf. Hopefully I’ll do better on it today. I think that’s why I woke up thinking I hadn’t done enough on my 4 days “off,” that means my 4 days of writing.

I’ve been cutting back the dead growth on pentas and other plants and the irises had to be nipped back. Still have to do that with plants out front today. The pentas are supposed to be only annuals. But some are still flowering. So I’m going to see if they come back this year. If not, I’ll just pick up some new ones. They’re the only annuals I plant, usually. I mainly just plant perennials that will come back every year.

Okay, I’m off and editing on Highland Wolf. And have to think of where to go next on both that and Wolf in Need for today.

Have a beautiful Sunday! It’s Sunday, yay! Not Tuesday!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
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