Done! Done! Done!

Scotland the Brave Tartan Bear, Count Pandula (Sold),  Sunflower Bear (Sold), Wendy Witch Bear (Sold)

I always feel great when I have accomplished something! And lots of somethings! I tried to post my blog yesterday, but couldn’t . WordPress wouldn’t come up. Then I had some updates to Windows, Adobe, and I think it would have come up then. Everything was so sluggish before that, I could barely type on my manuscript or do anything without everything hanging up, freezing. Once I did all the updates and restarted my computer, everything was working. But it was so late in the day, I didn’t think it was worth it to blog. I have to remind myself when everything is acting up so badly, shut things down! And start over.

I also finished Cougar Magic! It’s off to my first beta reader. Now, I’m excited about a new development. I’ll be writing a brand new novella for the 10th anniversary of Destiny of the Wolf, the hugely popular Silver Town wolves series. I have a character in mind, someone who won’t impact on everyone else because I’ve written so many of the books in the series since then, it can’t change the world. But I also need to figure out a wildly exciting idea for the character so I can be off and running. He’s a nurse at the clinic of the wolf-run town. Keeps to himself. That’s the way I’d written him in the original book. So why does he keep to himself? What is his big secret? And who is the mystery woman who comes into his life and turns his whole world upside down?

In the meantime, I’m working on more bear orders–have to finish a few of the bears I’ve made (embroider paws), and am finishing up some more bears just to have on hand. I worked on Claiming the White Bear last night too–remember I left two little polar bear cubs on an ice floe? Well, I wrote about 1,000 words last night to add to that story today. But I need to get that novella started and finished in a hurry, so my publisher can edit it and then include it in the book. That has priority today and for the next couple of weeks. I finished my 2nd beta reader’s edits on Silver Wolves Making Spirits Bright yesterday also. I just am waiting for the last beta reader’s edits and then I’ll be sending it to my publisher.

I love it when I can’t get some things done. Right now, I have a growing list of bear orders, and my book deadlines are ever present, so it’s really nice when I can check them off my list.

I’m off to work! Have a lovely, fun-filled, productive day!

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
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signature line email Dreaming of a White Christmas, Flight of the White Wolf, etc 300 x120

2 thoughts on “Done! Done! Done!

    • Lol, trying to get a few of them done tonight! And I was excited to get 4,000 words toward the new novella! Woohoo!

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