Expiring on the Spot

Fall Colors on Baby and My 2.5 Mile Walk!

Aren’t you glad the government doesn’t have an expiration date for you? Of course, it helps to make sure that you don’t have really bad food sitting there waiting for you, but… *sigh* If we lived in an apocalyptic world, any food probably would be edible no matter how expired.

So yesterday, I poured a dressing on my salad, and realized it had expired Jan 2018. I only ate a bite of it before I thought it tasted a little soury and didn’t look quite right and checked the expiration date. But no green mold growing in it. That’s my usual way of knowing something is past eating. So the salad went into the trash. I figured I didn’t want to chance getting sick.

Have you checked your over the counter medicines lately? I rarely take them and when I need to, they’re usually way over-expired. Since that’s all I have, I take them anyway. Maybe the potency isn’t there. But the next time I think of it, I get another new bottle, toss the old one, and then the new one sits their expiring every day while I don’t use it, until it meets it’s expiration date.

Rather than get some new salad dressing (it’s the refridgeratable kind so it does expire earlier), I’ll just boil up the fresh spinach and fry up the mushrooms and eat them that way! Solution found!

Hope your day is filled with freshness with no expiration date in sight!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
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2 thoughts on “Expiring on the Spot

  1. We all lived and did well before there were such things as expiry dates on food. They are as much in the interest of sellers as consumers, with the exception of giving us an idea of how long stuff may have been sitting on store shelves. That part is a good thing. I just today gave up on a gallon of milk with date Nov 3. I know, I don’t use milk that much, but the gallons are the best value and I wasted no more than a pint. I keep it surrounded by other cold things to protect it from when I have munchies and hold the door open while I stare into the fridge lol. A little common sense is in order and the nose is our friend.

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