Tag Archive | mist

Time to Vote

walk-to-vote-curved-path-900-001I had decided to walk to the polling station first thing this morning. I walked to my mailbox and realized I had forgotten my phone. I don’t always think of it. It isn’t an appendage to me like it is for some. But if I go walking, I want it in case I need it for an emergency. The first time I walked through these sprawling neighborhoods, I was brand new and got lost right away. lol

So having a GPS really helped. So I returned and grabbed the phone and headed out. Totally confused the puppies.

walk-to-vote-pine-needles-dripping-water-900-003A light mist cloaked the whole area. I’d brought my raincoat and several had umbrellas just in case.

walk-to-vote-wet-berries-900-010We waited for maybe an hour to vote, but I was lucky. The line for A-L was much longer than for M-Z. And you have to know that was nice for a change–being a W before I was married, and an S after that, I’ve always been at the back of the line, last to be called. When I’m at the back of the group on book signings, I often wonder if I should have created a pen name. A. Just A. Then I’d be in front for once in my life. 🙂 Every once in a while, we’d line up in reverse order, but that happened so infrequently, that I can only recall maybe two times that it happened in my life.

And then it was done and I was off to walk back home, taking pictures along the way, capturing the winding, mysterious path, right when an older gentleman stopped to talk to me. He was from South Africa, not voting, but visiting his sister. I always say hi to joggers and dog walkers in the morning. Because of the hour, I was nearly run over by kids riding bicycles or not sure what they’re called boards on speed.

And then I tried capturing the misty water droplets on pine needles and berries.

walk-to-vote-mushrooms-900-008And fairy mushrooms in the wet grass.

I had to ship off a bear and a book after that, so now I’m home, FINALLY posting my blog.

And now I have to write.

Have a wonderful day!!

Terry Spear

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear:

Website: http://www.terryspear.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear

Cairns: Man-Made Stacks of Stones

cairns darkened (640x427)Cairns is Scottish Gaelic in origin. It’s interesting that everywhere I go now, I see stacks of stones like this. These were actually in the Highlands of Scotland.

cairns, bridge brightened vignette buttermilk(640x427)Bridge of stones.

cairn figure sunlight (640x427)A Highlander of stones.

purple flowers ane cairns (800x533)Heather in bloom amidst the stones.

cairns, mist and the loch vignette (800x533)cairns yellow flowers purple heather (800x533)Colorful flowers, cairns, loch, mountains and mist. Scotland the Beautiful. Cairns have actually been around since ancient times.

cairns purple heather (800x533)Okay, I goofed off soooo much yesterday, I didn’t get word count. ugh. So today, I’ve got to make up for it.

Have a wonderful day, and if you have a few rocks lying around your yard, get creative! 🙂


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear:

Website: http://www.terryspear.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear

Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears.com


fog front (640x427)fog side (640x427)fog (640x427)Out of the mist comes…whatever your imagination can dream up.

I went to a St. Patrick’s Day party last night and won a towel with luck of the Irish written all over it. I love it. Since I have several ancestors who came from Ireland, seems appropriate! I couldn’t decide whether to go because I was finishing up edits on Viking to turn in to my critique partner. Then I need to work on more of hers. But since I finished mine, and another chapter of hers, I decided I needed to get out and meet people.

We had fun. Played Bingo and had to ask everyone questions to learn who had done what or had something on the bingo card–like flown in a helicopter, or had more than one cat. NO one had more than one cat. But I still won! And I took some book marks and some Advance Reading Copies (ARCs) of one of my books and autographed a couple, one for a couple’s librarian daughter and another for a romance reader. It was fun for me and fun for them.

I was glad I took off from working and just plain went. Plus, by meeting people, talking to them, you never know when something they might do or say could end up in a story! lol

Have a wonderful day!!



“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear:

Website: http://www.terryspear.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear

Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears.com


Shadows and Reflections

Shadow on Hill and Reflection in Water

Shadow on Hill and Reflection in Water

Shadows and Reflections on Water

Shadows and Reflections on Water

When I was in Scotland, I took hundreds of pictures, until my battery died, and I was so disappointed. I couldn’t take pictures again until after we returned from an island, and I never had pictures of the island or the ruins we saw there. Ugh.

But I’ve never shared tons of these pictures because I had so many, shared lots, and then that was it. So as I was looking over some of them, I found some interesting shots.

These are shadows reflected on the hills from another hill, and both the hills and shadows reflected in the water. The water is so glass like, it’s hard to tell in the bottom shot that it was actually a reflection and not just ground.

But aren’t they beautiful?

I thought they turned out nicely, considering we were in motion at the time. 🙂

I love water, so take lots of pictures of water. I also love hills and mountains and trees. Since Scotland has it all, I had fun!

But I also want to make my stories as accurate as possible. One of the things I wanted to see was trees for wolves to run in. But so much of the landscape is uninhabited, that they could really run all over the place and never be seen. 🙂 <3


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear:

Website: http://www.terryspear.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear

Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears.com

In the Middle of Edits, but…

I wasn’t going to blog today,  but I was checking for preorder sales on Kissing the Highlander and saw we had a couple of sales for Itunes! I hadn’t looked for the link today yet, but it’s now available there.
Kissing the Highlander:
I’m not sure what they’re supposed to be called, so I’m going to call them all kinds of names:
  • baron's chamber (640x480)
This was a baron’s chamber at one of the Scottish castles. Nice view of the water. His wife had her bed chamber at the other end of the hall. Maybe a sitting area between them?

Okay, now, I’m behind on writing on A SEAL Wolf Diving for Trouble, of course, because A Silver Wolf Christmas edits have to be done and turned in. I’m over halfway done. Once I finish these, I’ll reread the book again. It’s kind of hard sometimes because there all kinds of changes through some sections, and so it’s easy to read the wrong thing. If I could just accept changes and reject changes, it would work. But they want to make sure I addressed all the issues so I can’t accept and reject changes. They want to see what I’ve changed.

Kissing the Highlander final (438x640)

Five new Highland novellas by Bestselling Authors of Highland romances that will delight with mystery, intrigue, romance, drama and much more! From the authors who have provided countless hours of reading pleasure so that fans can slip away to the past and live among all those hot Highlanders.


Barnes and Noble


ARe Books (All Romance ebooks)




Print version also coming!

Okay, I’m back to edits! Have a lovely day! Oh, shoot, it’s Wednesday and that means garbage day. Usually get it out at oh-dark-thirty.  Can’t believe it’s Wednesday already!!!

So it was warmer out and my neighbor was taking  his garbage out, so we had to do more socialization training. Max was licking his sandaled feet. That is progress.


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”


Connect with Terry Spear:








Wilde & Woolly Bears


Kissing the Highlander at Barnes and Noble!

Kissing the Highlander final (438x640)

Five new Highland novellas by Bestselling Authors of Highland romances that will delight with mystery, intrigue, romance, drama and much more! From the authors who have provided countless hours of reading pleasure so that fans can slip away to the past and live among all those hot Highlanders.


Barnes and Noble


ARe Books (All Romance ebooks)



IBooks coming! Print version also coming!

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”


Connect with Terry Spear:








Wilde & Woolly Bears
