Tag Archive | goals

Ever Have Trouble Reaching Your Goal?

baby mockingbird under fountain (492x640)baby mockingbird under fountatin (431x640)baby mockingbird getting drink of water (408x640)baby mockingbird head fountain (640x547)Sometimes goals are worth attaining no matter how hard we have to try to reach them.

Baby Mockingbird finally made it!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear:

Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears.com

Are You Goal Oriented?

Lady Wolf2

I reset my goals on Billionaire in Wolf’s Clothing because I was stuck. What on? How to deal with a 3-year-old. It’s been a while since I had one, and I wished I’d written down all the funny things my kids said when they were little. Or things they did. I remember some, but not what age exactly. So I did my usual and posted on FB and asked if anyone has a 3-year-old and any cute sayings or things to share. And voila! So someone had said that little boys like to run around naked. I began to remember things my kids did–like my little boy running stark naked out the door after a bath, and the foreman who was doing some renovations on our place laughing. He later was my son’s and his son’s t-ball coach. His son was the same age as mine, and so he had experienced it all. But that was when he was smaller. So that’s the thing. Trying to remember exactly what age they are when this happens…that’s a different story.

I’m putting all my contributors into the acknowledgements and the stories will be incorporated to fit into my world. But I have to say, laughter is good for the soul and I’ve been laughing a lot at the cute things kids say.

Scaring Sister

Blaine trying to scare his little sister

I think Jenn was 3-years-old here. But she might have been 2 and her brother is 5 then. That’s what throws me is the ages. 🙂

And, I’ve been writing again and that’s great! I finally made it to the halfway point and it’s downhill from there. Now I have to start figuring out how to tie up loose ends, etc.

Tomorrow is the big release day for SEAL Wolf Hunting, so I will be busy with that all day. Which reminds me I need to work on a newsletter!!!

Okay, off to work on my writing goal now and hope everyone is having a great day!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear:

Website: http://www.terryspear.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear

Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears.com

Really, Mom, I’m Jogging…

Max: Mom, really, I’m just getting ready to jog. You can have the jogging board after me.

Max and the jogging board

Max and the jogging board

Max: Really, I had a super hard work out. You probably weren’t watching. But I must’ve run three miles, at least. I was chasing rabbits, birds, butterflies. Just give me a moment. I ran so hard, my legs collapsed out from underneath me. You can have the jogging board as soon as I can get back on my feet.

Max the Rug on the jogging board

Max the Rug on the jogging board

Tanner's Turn?

Tanner’s Turn?

Tanner: Max said it was my turn next. Can you tell him to move?

Thanks, Mom

Thanks, Mom

Tanner: Thanks, Mom, for making him move. We can share.

Mom: Somehow I managed to get my 3 miles in even when the puppies wanted to exercise too.

And that’s my story!

Finished another bear, need to take a picture of it today, and have one more left to finish. Made over word count on Taming the Wild Cougar, but behind on Billionaire. However, I decided I needed a new, more dramatic opening. Sometimes I have to write a while before I can “see” it.

Have a super great Sunday! 🙂 <3


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear: Website: http://www.terryspear.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear

Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears.com

Turning the Puppy Upside Down

Tanner and my tennis shoe looking at me (640x540)

Tanner and my tennis shoe.

Tanner and the doggy bag (360x640)


Tanner and the doggy pickup bag.


Tanner and my flip flop (360x640)Tanner and my flip flop.

“Leave it, Tanner. Tanner, drop it.” Outside, I’m having a better success at getting him to drop things. Inside…I turn him upside down, not like by the legs. I hold him like a baby and just tilt my arms so that he’s part way upside down, but still totally secure against me, and then he drops whatever he’s got that I don’t want him to have.

🙂 I know. I know. It’s totally not the way to go. He’s getting my attention when I need to just be firmer with him.


He’s way too stubborn. And if I try to take it away from him, then it’s a really fun game of tug-of-war, even if I’m not pulling and just telling him to drop it. 🙂

But we’ll get there. 🙂

snail close up (360x640)

I took a close up photo with my phone of a snail, wow. Amazing how great it looks.

MacLeod Clan bear and Max

MacLeod Clan bear and Max

Fraser Clan Bear

Fraser Clan Bear

I’ve been finishing up some bears. Note while I was taking pictures of the bears, Max was helping with MacLeod Clan Bear to make sure he was sitting up properly. These two are for one order, and I’m finishing up two more for another order.

I got 2,000 words done on Taming the Wild Cougar.

Taming the Wild Cougar WEB 05082015

But I was 1300 short on Billionaire. Was doing some brainstorming and research though.

And, I’ve been walking 3 miles for the last 3 days. 🙂

Soooo, off to blog and another site and then it’s time to work on Billionaire, and make up for yesterday! And finish up the last two bears!

Have a super great Saturday!!! Mine is totally booked!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear: Website: http://www.terryspear.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear

Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears.com

On Top of the World!

It just takes a writing breakthrough to make me feel that way too.

Jaguar at the Cameron Park Zoo

Jaguar at the Cameron Park Zoo

I love purple so it’s a good color. I’ve heard that some experts say that the love of purple relates to depression. Shaking head.

I’ve heard that some think in terms of thrillers, angst, so they used it in Harlequin Intrigue books to showcase the thriller aspect.

When I see purple, I just love it, nothing sinister about it.

So why am I on top of the world? I finally figured out how to open Billionaire in Wolf’s Clothing.

Billionaire in Wolf's Clothing

I have been mulling this over and mulling, and mulling, and mulling, and mulling, and well, shoot, just lots and lots and lots of mulling. And getting no where. So yesterday, after spending the day writing guest blogs for SEAL Wolf Hunting, and another project I had to do that was essential, I sat down to watch a season of Castle. I love Castle. And I love Detective Beckett. And I love the detectives working with her. Everyone is fun and I love the facial expressions, and the witticisms, and the mysteries involved in solving the murders.

So what has that got to do with the breakthrough? Not a thing.

But, it gave me a much needed break after writing two books. And so, this morning I was back to mulling. I had an idea of how I wanted to open the story. Conflict, romance, mystery, intrigue, setting, plot. But not how to really write it. So the scene opens with a rip current (often mistakenly called a riptide, even by moi), and that was it. I used that for my description of the setting and took off with it. And wrote 3 days worth of word count. Does that mean I can goof off for 2 days? Nope. It means I can try to do the same thing tomorrow. And the next day. Until I get stumped again.

The great part? I’m having fun. No more mulling. Just diving in and writing.

Oh, and I want to be able to write one book a year and be as rich as Castle. 🙂

Have a super great purple day! Unless you like blue better. Or some other color! For now, I’m getting busy with writing some more!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear: Website: http://www.terryspear.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear

Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears.com

MacGregor Bear! Puppies’ Topknots! A Toad! Talk about Being Random!

MacGregor Clan Bear (640x551)

Three bears down, 7 to go. They’re all in process, like my current book.

I got up at 2 to take the puppies out. Tried the no leash trick. They had baths last night, so they didn’t sleep like they usually do. Tanner came right back to me. Max did, then ran off to explore some more. So I won’t do the no leash thing again. Not until Max is fully trained. Which is going to take a while.

Between days of ice and snow, workmen being out here, and then two days of pouring rain, my cupboards were bare. No treats for the puppies. No seed for the birds, and worst of all, no chocolate for me. Writers can’t live without chocolate! At least, not this one.

And I realized that it’s EASTER coming up! Which means Cadbury chocolate creme filled chocolate eggs. 🙂

puppies topknots (573x640)

Puppies and Topknots

Soooo I spent two hours running errands, shipping 3 bears, picking up stuff for my next readers convention, etc, and that meant that last night, I was behind on my word count. Partly because I was setting up another FB party to celebrate St Patty’s Day, and because I had given both puppies baths.

Now, I really did get my word count. I wrote the remaining 600 words by hand last night, and voila, at 2 am, I typed them out and yes!! I made it.

And look what we found when we went outside yesterday! Well, I found him. Max ran his nose right over him and didn’t see him.

Toad (640x427)toad up close (640x427)

And that’s all I have to say at 2 in the morning. Puppies are in their crate grumbling because I’m not coming back to bed. Well, Max is, just a little. They’re not barking. Usually Tanner will yip if I don’t come back, but he’s gone to sleep, which is the way it should be. Max gave up on me. I think.

I keep using up my internet time because of the cloud saving my stuff, so thought I’d post this during my “free” usage time. Since I was up anyway.

Have a super great day!!

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear: Website: http://www.terryspear.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear
Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears.com

Ack! Change!!!

butterfly surreal (623x640)

Surreal Butterfly among flowers

Okay, this morning I had to blog on Blogger, and so it was fine. Popped up like it was supposed to. No problem. Now, you have to remember I get up early. So I like things to be the way they always are. I confuse my puppies because I do things differently in the morning before I settle down to drink my green tea and work on blogs. But when I open up my browser, I want things to be the same as they always are. IE, I go to the WordPress blog like I normally do, and get to work on the blog. Today, it took me to a different page, and I thought I had clicked on the wrong link, so I started over. And the same thing happened.

At 5:30 a.m., I really don’t want to have to figure things out. I do that with writing a new book and proofing the other. But other than that, I really don’t want to have to think. Not about that. Yes, I have to think about what I’m going to write on the blogs too. That’s enough thinking for the day, don’t you think?

It’s like going into the grocery store and, wait, where did the bread aisle go? I’ve been known to get everything else but the thing I went in for because they moved the item and I can’t find it. There’s never a clerk to tell you where they hid it either. I know that it’s supposed to be a good marketing ploy. Well, guess what? I didn’t buy the bread, and went without for two weeks until I made it into town again. And so they lost a sale! Oh, sure, I’m certain I was the only one who didn’t buy bread because they had moved it–by the way, it’s not only the bread, but anything. I’ve done that several times. Or even gone to Walmart instead of the grocery store and given up looking for something because I couldn’t find it. Oh, dishwasher soap. I’m down to my last little packages. Got to get them next time I’m in town. But I’ll go to the grocery store because I know where it is there. Walmart? Clueless.

Now, the puppies have an eating routine. They are little eating machines. Only yesterday, they decided they wanted to eat earlier than I normally feed them. So alpha that I am (because I made the decision, so I’m still going to hold onto the alpha moniker), I fed them earlier. The problem with that? After their second meal of the day, they wanted a third, you know, for the real time of the day when they normally eat their second meal.

puppies and chew toys 014 (640x590)

How did my goal of working on different goals make out yesterday? I was over halfway done on proofing SEAL Wolf Hunting (I meant to read over 162 pages–the halfway point, I read 216), and 814 words over on word count on She-Wolf. Some might say I should just write my 2500 word goal and that 800 is bonus. But I won’t. It’s part of the 2500 word goal. It makes me feel better to know that I only have 1700 words left to go. It’s a psychological game. Did you know that? It really is. I tell myself, I’m at 9314. I need to get to 10,000 today. Not too shabby when my goal was 1,000 for Tuesday and the rest of the week 2500 words a day. Anyway, I don’t tell myself that I need 10,000 today. I tell myself I need 9500, and then wait a minute, my count is off. I only need less than 700 today???????

Even better! Okay, so I tell myself I need 500 words at a time of the 2500 word goal. I just need to reach that next 500. And then I’m over it and I just need to reach that next 500. What happens is that I’m really on a roll, like I was yesterday, and kept writing. But I kept thinking I needed to get to proofing the other book. So I had to stop and work on that. And then on that, I was like I needed 162 pages. But a fourth of the way to my goal, I was like maybe I could spread this out over 4 days instead of 2. Then I felt better. I could do that. But then I kept reading and I only found one error, disagreed with one change they made, and agreed with 2 changes they made and kept reading. And then I made the halfway point and wanted to keep going until it was getting so late, I figured it really was time to go to bed. The point is, yes, there is a point to my ramblings–if a goal seems too difficult to attain in the time allotted, spread out the goal over several days until it’s doable, BUT then do over what you planned to do. That way you’re making progress toward the end result at a faster rate and I don’t know, for me, it makes me feel good. I get behind on word count and I feel like a dark cloud is hanging over me.

On bears? I sewed up one of the sashes for a bear and wound bobbins. So I didn’t get started on the bears, but I still did some things necessary to working on them. Now that the bobbins are wound, I can jump right in to sew them once my word goal is met and I’ve finished proofing the book.

But you see, I had to listen to 15 mins of The  Trouble with Demons (YA) audiobook, to approve it. And I had to do other things yesterday too, so, all in all, a really good day.

700 words for She-Wolf. I can’t believe it. I think I’ll finish those, get my 10,000 and finish proofing SEAL. Then I can work on bears, and then get back to working on She-Wolf and start on my word count for tomorrow. See, if I get my word count done, I can actually take a break later in the week. 🙂 Or if I have other stuff that pops up, I won’t be behind.

There really is method to my madness. Really.

So do you get discombobulated when you’re hit with a change in your routine? Does it throw your whole day off, or can you deal with it and get back on track without too much trouble?

Do you ever leave the grocery store without the item you went in for because you couldn’t find it?

Have a super great day! Ice and snow this week, 70s for two days next week. 🙂

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear: Website: http://www.terryspear.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear
Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears.com

Computer Virus–and First Day of Real Obedience Training

First, I hate people who create computer viruses. I know, we shouldn’t hate, but I HATE people who do that. I wish there was a magical thing that we could erect on our computers that if someone created a virus, for every computer they infected, the person who created it and sent it out to the world would end up with a human virus. So that means that they would  have millions of viruses wracking their body. Yep, If I could create such a weapon, I’d do it. They would be in the bathroom for days and weeks and months, depending on how widespread their computer virus was.

Now I feel better while I’m on my laptop, that is great for trips, but a pain to use at home because I don’t have a great way to sit and write on it, and I don’t know half my passwords, so when I go to create my blog for blogger for a multi-author blog I’m on, I don’t know what the  password is, etc, etc, etc. And I don’t want to create a new one, forget, and then have the same problem on my main PC.

Second, Max and I have been working with THE collar. We had a full day–on and off–every time we had to go outside to potty. And in the house on some commands.

The trainer told me that we don’t say ZAP the dog, but “touch.” Bull. You zap the dog. Lightly, if he doesn’t pay any attention to you and keeps pulling. A little higher setting to get his attention, etc. If he’s listening, I lower the setting. So when he’s moving with me and he’ll look up to see that I’m still beside him and he’s doing the right thing, the setting is going down. I’ll start it out low this morning, and when he doesn’t listen, I’ll increase the setting until he finally responds. What’s neat about this program is that their dogs are off leash and just stay with the trainers. They don’t run off and that’s one of the things you should be able to train them. It might take a while, but I think Max will get it sooner than later.

As for going for his dog poop, I was prepared. I still had it on the lower button setting, but at the highest number because he’s so quick that I had to react quickly and with enough of an emphasis to tell him no. He went for it. I zapped him, pulled him away, not hard, just enough to get him out of reach, but he was already moving away from it. So we’ll have to keep after it until he realizes I mean no on that nasty habit.

So he pulled, like he usually does. Balked about sitting, which he’s always been good about, but he doesn’t like the zapper, I mean, collar, to tell him to do it. But after the last time of going out last night, he was really good about following my lead. He tends to rush for the door to get inside, so we were practicing stopping, then starting so he knew that I was the one in charge of when he goes in.

Inside, he sat for me a few times with just the command and the collar. They said to use the collar always, even for commands he knows. Outside, I had to gently force his bottom down, which I’ve never had to do. *sigh* I’m sure it’s because outside there is a high level of distraction.

So we had to practice Come, as in walking the dog and getting it to follow my lead and stay on one side of me always. That’s fun. NOT. Because I also have to have Tanner on the leash. So I’m trying to get them both to stay on my right side and not criss-cross in front of me or get behind me.

Max is very white and has some silver and black

Max is very white and has some silver and black

We had to do: Sit, by command and collar. We had to practice Place. That’s where you have something slightly elevated off the floor and the dog gets up on it.  We practiced it on the individual lesson on top of a metal briefcase since the trainer forgot his cot. It was slippery and Max didn’t care for it, but I stood next to him and every time he’d climb down, I’d guide him back up with his leash, the command, and a collar….nudge.

I’m going to get a cot, because it will be more convenient at the dog training. But at home, I think I’ll do a variety of things so he gets used to if I don’t have a cot with me, and use anything, if I tell him that’s the Place, he’ll have the message down pat.

So at home, I brought out the Christmas wrapper box that is under a bed. I knew it would be slippery too, so I put the Christmas rug on it that has a skid free bottom, and perfect.

Place was not happening. Soooo, I tried place and then a treat. Now, I’m training Max, right? Tanner got what I wanted immediately, and jumped on top of the box and then Max. They were so cute. Both waiting for their treats.

Place, dash for the box, get on top, Sit, wait for treats. Then I did it a few times with no treats, and Come, so they’d come to me, Sit, and Place again.

For me, their kibble is as much a treat as a treat. So rather than feed them tons of treats, I can feed them their tiny piece of kibbles.

But it is funny when I see them both training and Tanner getting it first. I’ll do collar training with him later when Max has this all figured out. 🙂

As to my computer virus, hopefully Best Buy will have it fixed by Sunday.  I was REALLY hoping they’d have it fixed today since he said it would be easy to do.

Okay, off to work on edits. I’m so behind because I really can’t write on my laptop all day. I just don’t have a good set up for it at all.

Have a super Saturday!! 🙂


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear: Website: http://www.terryspear.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear

Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears.com

Can You Really Do It?

I loved Yoda in Star Wars when he said, “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

I always think of this when I’m writing a book. Not for me, but often for my characters. I’ll have where they’re going to try to do something, and then, no, they are doing it. Not trying. Oh, well, sure, sometimes they have to try because the doing might not happen.

But I love the concept.

My dad always said, “You can do whatever you put your mind to do.”

It’s true. We had so many daunting feats to accomplish when I was in training in Army ROTC. Scale walls without a ladder, when I’m just a little over 5’4″ and I’m not sure how tall the walls were, but they were LOTS taller than me. Now, before anyone says, women! We had guys who were just as short as us and we had to do buddy work to ensure everyone made it over. Or cross a water obstacle with only three boards, none of which were long enough to use, without getting wet. If you were the leader for those exercises and you left a man/woman behind just because he or she was too short to make it…or if you didn’t try to use the best resources available on the water obstacle challenge, ie, always ask the engineer student in the group and hope he or she had a clue, you were marked WAY down.

Now, we weren’t training to be elite forces, just in how to be leaders, because many of us were going into support roles, like me as a personnel officer. So no climbing tall walls in my normal line of work.

But if it’s really worth doing, then keep working at it until you get it done. Now sometimes, it’s just really, really not worth the effort. And then? Regroup and do something that is.

Training the puppies in proper behavior is my goal. If I don’t deter Max from eating his stool, he does it!!! I know it’s because the breeder just let all the dogs go out a dog door and he wasn’t ever supervised. So he was hungry, he’s always hungry, and hey, it’s his meal, fully processed. I know, totally gross.

I looked it up, love the Internet, and experts say that puppies will often do this. Tanner doesn’t. But I’ve always had him on a leash, and he does what a dog–in my estimation–should do, he does his little backward kick at the grass to “cover” it up and then he’s off to explore.

The problem with Max is that though I clean up the yard CONSTANTLY, at oh-dark-thirty in the morning and after 7 at night, it’s too dark to see where he’s gone. So in the morning in the dark, I try to take them to spots that they haven’t been the night before, because it’s again dark and I can’t tell what’s where. But I also have to really keep hold of Max’s leash because he’s ready to whip around and get his morning meal if I don’t yank him away from it. ugh.

And then there are the times that I think I’ve cleaned up everything, it’s hard to tell sometimes, and he finds a tasty treat. It doesn’t matter how much I shout at him or try to force him to drop it, it’s gone as quickly as he swallows his food. He’s so cute here. How can he be so gross? He’s a DOG, I remind myself. It’s perfectly normal to him.

Max and Down Training (2) (612x640)


I’m sure the collar training, a zap every time he grabs a piece, will deter him. Still waiting on the trainer to call for first training. I try working with him with just verbal good dogs when he comes with me and doesn’t go for the smorgasboard, but that’s so rare, that it’s just not working.

However, I WILL succeed! I have to. I will not try. I will do. Because it’s just too gross not to win in this battle between puppy and the poop.

Have you ever had something you have to do, and you feel you can’t do it? What have you done to keep after it until it’s finally accomplished, and you tell yourself, “See? I knew I could do it!”

Writing a book can be like that too. Daunting.

I have: Chapter One done. Just the Chapter heading.

Word count: 2

Words needed: 79,998

Where do I go from there? But deadline’s looming and I WILL write all the rest of those words before deadline, edit it a million times, turn it in, and start all over again.

Today, I will be at 55,000 on A SEAL Wolf Diving for Trouble. I won’t try. I will be there. What a wonderful number that is compared to when I began with the two easiest words. Chapter One. And yet, I still have 25,000 words to go. Oh wow, now that sounds really great. I was thinking it would be more. Yes!!! I can do it! And I’m off to do it!

Have a super wonderful Tuesday. Mine just got even better!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear: Website: http://www.terryspear.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear

Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears.com


New Release: Phantom Fae!

Phantom Fae

Human turned phantom fae Brett has to survive mage trials when he has only just learned he’s a mage. And dragon fae shifter Ena is warned that the dragon fae kingdom is in turmoil, something that she vows to help put to rights.
When Brett is forced to fight alongside the phantom fae, which means take a stand against Ena and her kind, he’s not doing it. She will always have his loyalty, though when she learns he’s one of her enemy fae, and a mage on top of that, she might not feel the same about him.

Still, Prince Grotto is their common enemy, and if it means fighting him, maybe they can work together. Yet, Brett wants more than that with Ena. Will she ever see him as more than just a human fae seer she took as payment for rescuing the kingdom’s princess?

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00SKCY59C

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/512923

Kobo: http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/phantom-fae

Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/phantom-fae-terry-spear/1121100973

All Romance Ebooks: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-phantomfae-1732037-143.html

Google Play: Coming

Normally, I like to have a story that is ended, no cliff hanger because it frustrates readers when they don’t know when the next book is coming, and I never know when I can finish a book when I have so many other deadlines that absolutely have to be met: ie for a publisher.

With Hawk Fae, book 5, it had to be left like it was or it would have been two books in one. And truly, I loved the way it was ended, with resolution, but with something more devious going on coming up.

With Phantom Fae, book 6, resolution. I have two covers for two more fae stories, no idea where I want to go with them at the moment, or titles for them. But when I have some time, I’ll share.

Because I worked on finalizing this up all day yesterday, I didn’t have time to work on SEAL, so I’m behind, but I’ll hopefully catch up on word count today. I will be working on the Phantom Fae print version soon, but needed to get my word count for SEAL because it’s so much harder to manage when it gets really behind. Hopefully, I’ll be at the halfway point today, if I get caught up.

It’s been raining a lot, which is unusual in the winter, but we so needed the rain again. I slipped on the wet pavement when I went to take the dogs out at 4:45, so need to find a different pair of shoes that hopefully are less slippery, or figure out something else. I have a conference to go to in a little bit and I don’t want to be running around in airports on crutches.

Oh, and I had asked my editor if they’d be interested in a historical wolf story series some time ago because I love writing historical, but she said no. My wolves also have long lives, so often I slip some of the historical aspect into them. So I thought it would be neat to have two series, the historical ones and the contemporary ones. But when she said no, that was fine with me. A rejection means an opportunity to excel. With today’s publishing options, I can just smile and say, “Okay,” and go on my merry way and write the books of my heart anyway.

A couple of years ago I listened to a NY Times bestselling author who was writing a historical series, and she had this idea for a really cool Irish historical romance series. She was so excited to write it and her agent said if she tried to push it, he’d dump her. Now, she was a highly successful author and he was making a ton of money off her, but he was afraid if he didn’t squash this far out notion, she wouldn’t make any money and he wouldn’t. So she dumped him and got a new agent, sold the series, and made bestseller status on those books. We have to write what our heart tells us and hopefully our readers will love them every bit as much.

I wonder if the agent is regretting his decision. Even if the sales hadn’t taken off, the author had to do this. It’s what we do. Create. From the heart. And if that creativity is squashed, we end up hitting a brick wall of writing block.

Editors and agents will sometimes steer us in directions that aren’t right for us because they think that’s what the market wants. But we’re still creating the stories and we have to be able to write what we can to an extent because otherwise the story just won’t come.

So here is the cover, still need to come up with a series name and title, but I think for series name: Highland Wolf Clan. Not sure on title. It will be historical, wolf, Highlands.

And I thought this was such a fantastic cover, I had to buy it for the first book. 🙂

wolf Highalnder cover

That’s it! I’m listening to the rain, and it’s pouring out, typing this up, working on making the changes to SEAL that I worked on when I went to bed last night and then I’m off to write.

Have a super great Thursday. Puppies are sleeping on my lap and all is well.



“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear: Website: http://www.terryspear.com Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears.com