Tag Archive | dog sitting

We Survived the Weekend!

Other than one of the corgis being sick all weekend, which meant cleaning up diarrhea in her crate, two mornings in a row, the floor, and washing all the dog bedding and her, and the floors where she tracked it through the house, other than the other corgi throwing up in the house and leaving a present in my bedroom, and one of my dogs throwing up on the patio, and other than my granddaughter and I being sick still, it was a great weekend!

They look so adorable, it’s hard to believe they can be such a mess. lol They’re all very lovable.

I actually got 8 hours of sleep yesterday, miraculous! Not this morning. I was sick again. ugh. She and the dogs went home last night. Nice and quiet. My dogs went to bed early and I played my game. Oh, and I did edit more pages of Vampire Redemption. I tried to write, but with 4 dogs and one toddler, impossible.

But she was really good the whole weekend, and we took a 2-mile walk yesterday because we felt better. She didn’t miss her parents, knew they were coming back for her and that was my biggest worry. And getting her to sleep so I could sleep some! At her young age, it’s iffy, but she does spend a couple of days a week with me, so she’s used to being here. And naps and nighttime? We had a routine, and it worked!

So I’m off to write because Friday I didn’t get my word count, too sick, and I have to get it today!

Hope you’re having a great start to the week!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Website: http://www.terryspear.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear
Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears.com
Newsletter Sign Up: http://eepurl.com/u63qP

Still Battling a Head Cold

Need to get my writing done today. I was thinking, probably with a cold-congested head, that my granddaughter and the corgis would be here tomorrow, but nope! They will be here this afternoon through the weekend, so that means I need to get ready, get my writing done early, and be prepared.

I coughed all night last night and all day yesterday, so still battling this cold.

Hope you are all bug free and enjoying the weekend!!!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Website: http://www.terryspear.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear
Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears.com
Newsletter Sign Up: http://eepurl.com/u63qP

Thwarted by the Baby

Is that like the dog ate my homework?

Okay, so I’m nearly done on the novella when back comes the baby. I’ve really, really, really got to finish this novella because I need to get back to the novel. I planned to have it all done and off to beta readers this weekend, but guess what????

For the first time ever, baby is staying with me overnight! Yes! Saturday morning through Sunday, and the corgis are going to be here too and my doggies. Ohmigod! Finish the novella over the weekend? And then the baby is back on Monday. And Wednesday.

Chill. The novella will get done. Maybe by Friday? This Friday? It better be!

Hope you are having a great week!!! Mine may be a disaster. Can’t think like that. It’s going to be great. Baby and dogs will be great. And the novella will be done.

If you don’t hear from me for a while, you’ll know why.


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Website: http://www.terryspear.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear
Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears.com
Newsletter Sign Up: http://eepurl.com/u63qP

Follow Me for new releases and book deals: www.bookbub.com/authors/terry-spear

What to do in the New Year!

I am swamped with work, but there are some things I realize I’d neglected. My signature line! I just updated the book covers, though I need to update it again! But at least it’s not as outdated as it was. And I really need to update my website.

I was in a hot tub last night with a romantic polar bear shifter in Alaska. Okay, so not me, really. My heroine was. I was dog-sitting! All right? I’d rather have been in a hot tub with a sexy polar bear shifter.

Trying to get a shot of all four dogs looking at me and not blurring is a challenge with a phone.

I’ve got to start the process of taking them out again in shifts, feeding them, and taking them out in shifts. I’ve been putting off the inevitable while I get my blog written. We are going to have 100% rain today and tomorrow, which means lots of wet dog.

I’m off to get started on my day’s work, well, after I take care of the dogs. In the meantime, have a super, lovely day!!!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Website: http://www.terryspear.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear
Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears.com
Newsletter Sign Up: http://eepurl.com/u63qP

Follow Me for new releases and book deals: www.bookbub.com/authors/terry-spear

Happy New Year’s!

Image may contain: dog and indoor

I’m puppy sitting for New Year’s, which means constant potty breaks at different times. It’s a job, but somebody’s got to do it!

Kick up your heels, or hoofs, and have a great New Year’s! I’m back to the book.


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Website: http://www.terryspear.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear
Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears.com
Newsletter Sign Up: http://eepurl.com/u63qP

Follow Me for new releases and book deals: www.bookbub.com/authors/terry-spear

signature line email Seal Wolf Undercover, Cougar Undercover, Dreaming of a White Wolf Christmas, My Highlander 300 x120

Dog Days of Summer

We’ll have a cool down tomorrow. It will be 97. Ha!

Okay, dog sitting today through Sunday and still have to get my word count. I managed 4,000 yesterday!

Off to write while I can! Have a super day.


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Website: http://www.terryspear.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear
Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears.com
Newsletter Sign Up: http://eepurl.com/u63qP

Follow Me for new releases and book deals: www.bookbub.com/authors/terry-spear

signature line email Seal Wolf Undercover, Cougar Undercover, Dreaming of a White Wolf Christmas, My Highlander 300 x120



Dogs and Cats and Squirrels, Oh My!

It’s been raining and raining and raining since yesterday. You can see the wet squirrel and the rain pouring down. The tabby cat is in hunting mode, headed for the bird feeder and checking out the water fountain. The dogs are lined up waiting for me to fix lunch, but they should have guessed I would take pictures of them. Then Luna began poking her nose at Tanner. They’re the two alphas and she didn’t want him there, so she intimidated him until he got up and moved. He loves getting his picture taken. Poor Tanner.

I tried to get low to take a head on shot of the puppies, but that won’t work. As soon as I did, they all came over to greet me. lol

Reached 45,000! Over halfway done! Woohoo!

Have a great day. I’m off to write!!

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Website: http://www.terryspear.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear
Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears.com
Newsletter Sign Up: http://eepurl.com/u63qP
Follow Me for new releases and book deals: www.bookbub.com/authors/terry-spear

signature line email Seal Wolf Undercover, Cougar Undercover, Dreaming of a White Wolf Christmas, My Highlander 300 x120

Female Cardinal in Bare Branches


To attract more birds, it helps to have more vegetation around the feeders so they feel safe. But then it’s harder to take pictures of them, particularly when all the foliage  is out. My yard had only 3 pine trees, so I’m working at supplying the safe haven for the birds. 🙂

Plus, it improves the look of all the wood fencing. And makes it not so echoey when you talk outside. 🙂

I’m puppy sitting, and that means having a time getting anything done in a timely fashion. Need to get back to work on Night of the Wolf. I think I made 3,000 words on it yesterday. Over halfway done. Which meant I kept waking up last night and began thinking about where to go with it next. Do I kill a couple of bad guys? Let them live? Such is the dilemma I was facing at oh-dark-thirty. 🙂

Only 9,000 words left to go. Which is why with shorter writing, things happen so fast! 🙂 And they’re fun to write too.

Have a great one!

Terry Spear

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear:

Website: http://www.terryspear.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/terry-spear  (For Releases and Deals)


Puppy Sitting & Cooler Weather

You can see here that Max was already reaching out to Luna


The cooler weather is coming! Yay! I’m hoping to finish up reading Double Cougar Trouble, made an offer to a potential narrator for Taming the Wild Cougar audiobook, and have to juggle trips outside with the puppies. I wish I could just throw them all out and they’d be happy, but my neighbor’s dog barks and runs along the fence, and then the corgi’s do, barking and making a ruckus. Mine are used to the neighbor’s dog and they don’t bark or antagonize her, and if I call them to come to me, they will.

Not the corgis. I had to use the hose on Rilo yesterday. It took a few times before he realized barking and growling and running next to the fence meant he’d get wet. 🙂  Then he was fine.

I just have to learn how to outsmart the smart dogs. Sometimes that’s a challenge. lol

You know what that means, right? Being the alpha when you don’t have teeth and can make the pack behave. 🙂

Oh, and I did my first ever podcast yesterday! It was fun, after all the stressing I did over doing it.

Okay, I’m off like a herd of turtles to keep reading Cougar! Have a super wonderful day!

Next week, I plan to get some more holly to plant, and I’ll be starting Loving the White Bear. 🙂

Terry Spear

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”

Connect with Terry Spear:

Website: http://www.terryspear.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear

Next Year Will Be a Decade!

Next year, I’ll have been with my publisher for 10 years. I’m one of the first who signed with Sourcebooks. And they’re going to redo two of my covers.

White Wolf and Heart of the Wolf giveaways 002 (1280x853).jpg glitter and suns raysHeart of the Wolf was my first book with them and it made Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year for a mass marketed book. Only 5 make it a year, and they’d never had a book make that, nor have they since. I thought everyone who was published, who was really big time, made that. What did I know. I was a total newbie. So I mentioned it on a published author loop and people were asking me how I got that. lol  So in celebration, they’re supposed to be redoing the cover of Heart of the Wolf and I need to add something to it. They’re also going to do a special new cover for Legend of the White Wolf, my 3rd book in the series, because I’ll be doing a white wolf series within the series and they want them more uniform.

They were brand new at the business of romance at the time, so they didn’t quite have the feel for what a winning cover should look like. But now they make the most beautiful covers, so I’m excited. Heart of the Wolf has a beautiful wolf, but I never liked the gray headless torso. And Legend of the White Wolf is more of an illustration, and doesn’t fit with the rest of the series.

I made USA Today Bestseller for my ninth release, A SEAL in Wolf’s Clothing. And I just made Romantic Times Top Pick for Billionaire in Wolf’s Clothing, along with two big hitters, Christine Feehan and Sherrilyn Kenyon. That is a huge deal. Especially for me. So super excited! 🙂 <3


But now I’m pulling my head back out of the clouds…

clouds sunrise before Dallas (1280x853) rays overlayand getting back to the book. Because none of this happens unless I’m writing away.

It’s sooooo hot here, but I’m glad to have the puppies to cuddle again. 🙂

puppies playing 027 (1280x1035)Have a great day! 🙂

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Website: http://www.terryspear.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/421434.Terry_Spear
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrySpearParanormalRomantics
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerrySpear
Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears.com